Ch. 3

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    I wait until we get to the car before I badger Alix with questions. "Tell me." I order, as he takes out a candy bar from his jacket pocket and lifts it to his mouth. "Alix!" I yell, as he starts chewing too slowly for my liking.

He smirks, "He agreed to endorse it. We're supplying his need for more jobs. Which, was one of his campaign promise's and his top priority." He states, finally.

I bounce in my seat. This has been an exhausting trip, I would like to get back home and finally sleep in my own bed. I glance at Alix who never shows much emotion, unless it involves chocolate. "Are we headed back?" I ask, hopeful.

He shakes his head. "Not yet. I want to have everything set and ready to go."

    It doesn't surprise me, it makes sense that he'd want to stay. New York shipping co, transitioned into Greco Shipping International, flawlessly. Mainly because he had put his blood, sweat and tears into it. I shouldn't expect anything less with the Savannah Port Project.

"What's the next step?" I question, wanting more information.

"Why do you keep pestering me for details? And why do you want to go home so badly?" He asks, suspiciously.

Busted. "I'd like to see my niece. Its her birthday next Saturday. They're having a party at my parents house, I told her I would try to be there." I explain, hoping to tug at his cold heart strings, the very few that he has.

He nods. "We'll, leave Saturday in time for the party and check in at G.S.I New York, then fly back down."

"Really?" I ask, surprised. Not that I haven't worked my butt off and deserve the luxury of a day off, but I didn't expect him to actually give it to me.

"Call it a truce. For scaring away the future, Mr. Rivers." He mocks, pickup up his phone.

"Who?" I ask, confused.

He grunts, a slight smile on his face. "Never mind."

Thrown off momentarily by his smile, "What are-" I start to ask, then remember the man in the ballroom. "Oh, him. Alright, fair trade." I agree, happily.

"I can't wait to meet the parents who raised such a forgetful chit." He muses.

"I'm not forgetful." I remind him. I remember everything. If I were forgetful he would've fired me by now.

"True. Your amnesia only involves men apparently." He teases.

"Thank God for that. Then one day I can forget all about you." I smirk. Trading insults with Alix Greco is the only way to release the tension that this job creates. We go toe to toe and don't pull our punches, its been this way since the first week that I started.

"I'm crushed." He replies, distracted by an email.

    I huff, in response. This man has never been hurt by anyone or anything a day in his life. Since, I've been employed by him I haven't even seen him with a woman. He is the definition of, solitary man.

"I'll remember the good times." I tell him, jokingly.

He looks up from his phone. "There are so many." He sighs, dramatically, making me laugh.

I lean back against the leather seats, reminiscing. "Late meetings, missing sleep, eating out of card board box's, going 2 days without showering, not seeing my family-"

"So many to choose from." He interrupts. "What time is the birthday party?"

"It starts at 3." I answer.

"Okay, plane will be ready at 9. We'll land around 11, check in at G.S.I, do a little work. Then we'll head to your parents house."

I look up at him surprised. "We? You're coming with me?" I ask, jokingly. Knowing he misspoke and wanting to tease him for it.

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