Ch. 28

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    I watch Samantha mixing in with the various guests, introducing herself and making others feel welcome. When I notice Charlotte and Braxton smiling hand in hand as they accept congratulations and best wishes. I feel....jealous. Such a feeling was once foreign to me. Now after starting a relationship with Samantha it seems to be a common occurrence. Every man that looks at her, every man that makes her smile, every happy couple I see makes me envious. I want what Braxton has and that's never happened to me before. It's put me in a bad mood.

My only course of action is make Samantha development feelings for me. So far I feel I'm the only one seeking any kind of commitment. I thought forcing a union between us would be the easiest way. Obviously, I was mistaken. Samatha not only rejected the very idea, she dismissed and rebelled against the whole notion.  However the question is: How does one go about making someone fall in love with them? Though actions? Some grand gesture? Do I tell her I love her? And see if she reciprocates those feelings? How do all these men get the woman they want? They make it look so easy. The way Charlotte is looking up at Braxton tells me he knows exactly how to do it.

I watch as Braxton breaks from the group to get Charlie and himself a drink, I meet him at the cooler. "A word. If you don't mind?"

Braxton sets down the two bottles of water and turns to me. "Of course. What is it?"

I nod towards Charlotte. "How did you do that?"

"What?" He asks, clearly not following.

"How did you get her to look at you like that?" I question.

He smirks and shrugs. "I make her happy."

"And what makes Charlotte happy?" I ask, curiously.

"Oh, Alix." He chuckles. "Its not the same for everyone. What makes Charlotte happy might not make Samantha happy." He states, sounding a little smug.

"How did you make her love you?" I ask, getting to the point. I feel stupid asking, but right now the odds of me figuring out the dynamics of courting a woman are very low. I honestly don't know where to start.

"I didn't make her love me. Thats not how it works." He replies, sarcastically.

I scowl at his statement. "Fine. How do I find out what makes her happy enough to choose to love me?"

"The only thing you can do is love her. Show her you love her, tell her you love her. It might take time but you don't have anywhere to be, right? Samantha is a strong willed person, I've only known her a short time but I've noticed she has a spine of steel and a will to match it. She won't give you her heart freely, you're going to have to earn it."

I grunt in response and he chuckles. "I hate waiting for what I want."

"A Greco trait, I know it well. However, you don't have a choice." He states, unapologetically.

I shrug in response.

He smirks. "So, what are you going to do?" He asks, curiously.

"Let her be right. That's the only thing I know that makes her happy. Outside of her family that is." I reply, seriously.

"Let her be right?" He repeats, clearly finding my response amusing.

"You were no help. By the way." I say, picking up the two waters he placed on the table and handing them to him as I see Samantha and Charlotte coming our way.

"Well, excuse me! Its not like I'm an expert. I'm just speaking from experience." He replies, defensively.

I huff. "I knew I should've talked to Papa."

Hearing the last part of our conversation Samantha asks, "Should've talked to Cairo about what?" She asks, casually.

Braxton laughs, loudly. Annoying me, which I am sure is his intent. "Alix wanted relationship advice."

Samantha cringes. "And you trust this guy?" She questions, looking up at Braxton in disbelief. "I demand you disregard everything he's said and talk to Cairo."

Braxton folds his arms disgruntled. "I have you know. I gave him sound advice. The very same advice I'd give my son." He states, honestly.

"Oh, really. What is that? Find a woman who looks at you like a God, then knock her up and marry her before she comes to her senses?" I hear the teasing in her voice, but I know she is projecting our experience onto them.

"Exactly! See how easy it is?" Braxton says, throwing his arm around Charlotte and kissing her head. "Look how happy we are."

Samantha tilts her head looking at the couple. "I do see your point. You do make her happy. But if Alix tries that with me, he won't be able to father children."

"You're so stubborn! You might like it." Braxton replies, tapping her nose. She slaps his hand away and scowls.

"I'm not sweet like, Charlie. You got lucky and you know it." She replies, strongly.

He squeezes her shoulders. "I know, or maybe it was fate."

"Oh, fate is it?" She asks, rolling her eyes. "Cairo!" She calls from across the party. "Braxton is giving Alix relationship advice!"

I watch Papa hastily set his plate on the table making the sign of the holy cross as his mouth moves, he looks up at he sky holding his hands together in prayer. Most of the party laughs. Braxton throws his hands up in exasperation.

"Sorry, Brax. What you two have is perfect. I don't do perfect." Samantha tells him, unapologetically.

Charlotte looks at Samantha, the. back to me. Looking up to Braxton she says, "Oh, my gosh. They're your parents." She points out, laughing.

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