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Millie's terrified scream had Gabriel and Nick shooting to their feet.


They charged down the kitchen stairs, to find their shaken housekeeper up on the kitchen counter, leaning back into the wall, still screaming.

"Shh! It's only Betsy!"

Gabriel stepped between her knees, putting his arms around her.

"Calm down, Millie. You're probably frightening her."

"It's a snake!" she squealed, pointing to the orange corn snake, slithering across the kitchen floor towards Nick.

Nick bent with an outstretched hand, allowing the snake to happily coil its way up his arm.

"Get it out of my kitchen now!"

"Millie its okay, she's harmless."

Gabriel lifted Millie off the counter and soothingly stroked her back as Millie clung to him, hiding her face in his neck. Her beautiful big bosoms, shuddered against his chest as she tried to control her fear, and he wished, not for the first time, they were doing this naked. Peering down into her breathtaking cleavage, he yearned to bury his face into it - breathe in her scent and weigh those glorious globes in his hands.

"Where've you been, you bad girl," Nick chatted to his snake, as he left the room. "You frightened poor Millie?"

He smiled to himself, he'd let Gabe sort this one out. He certainly looked like he was enjoying having Millie pressed against him, and if anyone could get Millie to accept Betsy, it would be Gabriel.

"Why the hell have you got a snake? This isn't the jungle Gabriel, this is sodding Chelsea!"

Millie was terrified of snakes. Slithery, slimy creatures! Although she knew they weren't actually slimy, they still looked it.  But, what on earth was it doing in her kitchen? Well not hers really, it was Nick's house, hence his kitchen. All the same, as she spent the most time in it, it was her kitchen.

"Millie it's ok, she's just a pet."

Gabriel continued rubbing her back soothingly, trying hard to keep his hands stroking neutral zones, despite their itch to glide down to her enticing cheeks. Only a couple of inches closer, and her feminine core would be snug against his aching erection.

"You can't pet snakes!"

Gabe bit back a groan, trying to focus on the current topic of conversation.

"Oh, Betsy likes a cuddle. She curls around my neck while we watch films. That's actually how we lost her. I fell asleep and she just slithered off on her own."

"When was this?"

"Oh ... um ... about two or three weeks ago, I think. We knew she wouldn't go far – and she'd come out when she was hungry."

"Three weeks ago? That reptile has been running around my kitchen for three weeks?"

"Well maybe not in the kitchen all the time."

He wasn't about to tell her how it might even have been in her little flat! Pretty little Betsy could get into some very tight places.

"Now come on, I'll get you a drink. Come watch the game with us. I'll sit with you all the time and keep Betsy away."

"No way - it goes or I go!"

"Millie, you wouldn't be that mean! What would we do without you?"

"You'd have to live on take-outs, which is all you deserve anyway."

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