The Invitation

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Millie didn't dare open her eyes when she woke up.

She couldn't believe she'd fallen asleep on Nick's lap. This was insane! What was she thinking, sitting on his lap anyway?

She kept still, listening to her surroundings. The TV was tuned to a football channel as usual, with the sound on low. Nick was quietly talking to Gabriel, who was stroking her ankles and massaging her feet against his thighs.

She tensed up. Gross! They'd been ensconced in her sweaty boots all day.

Nick knew she was awake, he felt her body stiffen. Was she embarrassed at falling asleep on him? He didn't mind. She felt lovely in his arms. He might just have to kiss her to shut her up. Though, maybe he'd leave that to Gabriel. Perhaps he'd let him explain how they felt about her. He was persuasive, and his smile infectious. No one could say no to Gabe.

"Millie? Sweetheart? Wake up."

She knew she had to open her eyes now, however awkward.

She was still contemplating what she'd say, when Gabriel's hand travelled upward, to her knee. She didn't dare let it go any further and her eyes opened quickly.

"Hello. Do you feel better now?"

Nick he stroked her hair away from her eyes, curbing the urge to cuddle her. She looked adorably sexy, her sleepy expression tinged with nervousness.

Yup! She was definitely not ready for the increasing bulge growing beneath his zipper!

"Sit with Gabe, and I'll make us some more tea."

To Millie's astonishment, Nick rose effortlessly with her in his arms and deposited her gently on his friend's lap.

Gabriel grinned at her surprised expression. He'd showered. His hair was still damp at the ends and he'd neatened his stubble.

"You like?"

He lifted her hand in his, nuzzling his soft bristles against her palm.

Millie blushed wide-eyed, and tried to get up.

"Millie, can I ask you something?"

Gabe's arms held her in place as she turned her head towards him nodding, her voice lost.

"Do you think," he paused chewing his top lip while he decided what to say to her. "Do you think ...? Would you mind if I kissed you?"

Millie's head shot up to look at him. She didn't get a chance to reply, as his hand cupped her face. She'd been kissed only once before. It wasn't something she looked back on with great affection either! It had been sloppy and wet - nothing like the firm and warm lips on hers now.

His hand caressed her neck, sliding up over her cheek and into her hair, tilting her head to where he wanted it. She breathed in all that was Gabriel - his aftershave, his shampoo, his breath. Her free hand crept up and across his shoulder, and for the first time she realized just how broad they were.

When he gently pulled away she was out of breath and not knowing where to look she closed her eyes.

"Oh Millie, you are gorgeous."

He tipped her chin to look at him as he hugged her closer.

"We both think you are wonderful, and now that I've kissed you, Nick is going to be so jealous. Do you think we could both kiss you? We're very good at sharing."

Before she could respond to his cheeky grin, the door opened and Nick returned with a refilled tea tray. Depositing the tray, he knelt before her. His thumb gently grazed Millie's kiss-swollen lips, as his fingers rested against her flushed cheeks.

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