Shoping with Nick

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"Shoes for Friday first? What do you think, hm?"

Nick asked as they wandered hand in hand through the streets Mayfair, the dazzling shops shrines to luxury labels. Millie felt completely out of her depth here, her eyes taking in London's celebration to the rich and famous.

She gave him a side long glance, her heart doing a little jump at the sight of his perfect profile. God, he truly looked a God, a dark alluring God with a little bit of a short temper. That realization prompted her to agree gingerly with his suggestion.


Millie wasn't going to argue. She was learning whatever Nick said, Nick meant. She had already discovered the best way to deal with him, was to do what he said, or ask gently. He didn't take kindly to being argued with. She loved being around him, though she did arrive at the conclusion that she had to tread lightly around him. Which oddly enough, added to his overall appeal.

Her eyes fell discreetly toward their locked fingers and she shivered. His thumb gently made circular motions on the palm of her hand which, in turn, did strange things to her stomach and other places she could not afford to think about at the moment.

Nick's phone rang as they were about to enter the shoe shop. A grim expression replaced the warmth he'd been radiating all morning.

"You go in, I'll be with you in a minute." He told her gently, his deep voice sending another wave of delicious shivers down her spine. She somehow managed a wobbly smile even though her apprehension soured to absolute dread as she stepped through the door of the shop. She'd been in shops like this before. They had scathingly told her they didn't have anything to fit her before she had even asked.

Recalling the humiliating episode Millie sensed her cheeks were burning and her stomach, which had been in a knot, albeit a delightful knot just a few minutes ago, now sported a new sort of knot and this one had very little to do with anything even remotely delightful. This one was so twisted Millie feared she would fall in a heap any second now. Yet as she spotted Nick chatting away on his mobile at the front of the shop, she forced herself to do as he had told her.

Millie drifted over to an unusual shoe display. These had high thin needle-like heels in a rainbow of colours, some with spikes adorning the front. They looked quite dangerous; which she supposed had been the designer's intention. She didnt think they were her type of thing, she would prefer something with a bit more class and preferably a heel which could not be used as a murder weapon.

Millie pictured the beautiful outfits Gabriel had bought her the day before and started looking around. The shop assistants, who'd ignored her entrance, were gleefully watching Nick outside. She really couldn't blame them when she herself could spend hours looking at him like a besotted pup. She smiled as she perused the shoes on display, listening to their wistful comments.

"He's so sexy." One said in a dreamy voice, Millie was quite certain she could hear a collective sigh after that comment.

"Has he got a girlfriend?" asked another, craning her neck to get a better look at Nick who had been at that very moment, raking his hand through his hair, and still animatedly talking on his mobile.

"Bet she's a model or an actress."

"God I wish I could ask him out!" the one with the dreamy voice said and Millie turned her head when she heard that comment, she really wanted to see what this girl looked like. It hardly came as a shock to see that the girl in question belonged to the petite Venus club. The same club Millie had been banned from at the moment of her conception. The girl looked almost child-like and for once she knew that Nick wouldn't be interested at all. Or so he kept telling her.

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