Aisa x male reader |lemon|

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Authors note
Alright here's the first from and this was requested by @lionsfan57 and anyway let's do this

My name is y/n l/n I'm a second year student at kuoh academy and I was just  a normal person and not a pervert like the pervert trio but right now I was waiting for someone and then speak of the devil there she was

Asia: y/n wait for me!!! Oof!

I then see Asia fall again and I sigh and went to help her up

Y/n: Asia you need to be more careful, otherwise your gonna he hurt from falling

Aisa: I know y/n Kun,I'm sorry but I try not to fall but still do anyway

Y/n: well at least you do your best and that's what counts

I then give her a warm smile and hug and then see her looking bright red

Y/n: uhh Asia you ok? You seem a bit red?

Asia: uhhh I-I'm f-fine

Y/n: you sure?

Asia: y-yea I'm f-fine

Y/n: well alright then, cmon we gotta go to classes right now or we're gonna be late

She then nods and I help her up send we went to our class and this was my very clumsy childhood friend Asia we had been best friends for awhile and she did love the church always talking about it but I just listen to her at least, I wasn't really much with church I mean I do believe in god yes, but don't visit much at all but right now I did have some feelings for her but I felt worried if she doesn't accept that but I just try not to worry and go to my class

Asia pov

We were in our classes listening to the teacher right now but I was just staring at y/n like usual because I had some feelings for him a long time when we were young but I was so worried about if I tell him my feelings he might not accept and it made me feel worried so I thought about asking him after class or maybe tonight at the school outside and maybe see if he could accept me but I only pray even though I'm now a devil I still will love him but later we heard the bell ring and time for lunch and I saw everyone already gone and then realize I should go eat so I then get my lunch and quickly run out but then trip and was about to fall until something was holding me and I didn't fall so I looked up and saw y/n with a really look

Y/n: heh like I said Asia, you need to be careful

Asia:uuuhhhhh umm yes y-y/n kun

He then pulls me up to my feet and smiles to me while I'm just s blushing mess

Y/n: Asia you sure your fine? You keep being red

Asia: n-no like I s-said b-b-before I'm fine

Y/n: well cmon we got lunch to eat

I then nod and we both walk to the cafe until I heard some if the girls talking

Girl 2: oh my god could Asia be dating y/n?

Girl 4: Darn she's lucky!

Girl 3: I wish I was her

I was then getting more blushed and start to shake a bit and y/n notice me

Y/n: Asia look there's something wrong you have to tell me, it's worrying me

Asia: Ok look I'll tell you a-

I was then cut off and saw issei push
y/n kun away and look at me

Issei: hey Asia why don't you ditch the loser and hang out with us after the meeting with the president?

Various female x male reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon