Male reader x Fem Nagito kameda

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Authors note
Sorry I've been mostly work up with other stories and mix up with chapters some ppl requested but anyway sorry for wait and enjoy as it be by (judiboy07) so let's begin!

My name is y/n, the ultimate (insert talent) and you may be wondering how I'm in this situation of a fucking island where we have to all kill each other if we wanna escape from being told by a black n white bear before shaming and mocking some bunny bear whatever, anyway we have been trapped for awhile 4 of us are dead due with the 2 being murdered and other punished as it goes. Anyone you killed that's found out with be like law and order |cue the music!|

Anyway.....I still remember the's very unsanitary with this of murder but what can ya do-


I've been interrupted talking to myself mentally like I'm crazy as I look crush nagiko kameda who got launched to a wall, which I'll assume be her luck she has. It's really confused me since she has good but bad luck it's weird, many things happen to her yet here she is still breathing alive. Anyway I rushed and helped her up as she noticed and gave a smile

Nagiko: "t-thanks y/n-kun" she said as she gain her composure

Y/n: "of course nagiko, anyway what happen? Did your...bullshit luck do something again?" I asked her as there can be times when she can get some damn lucky or unlucky really, but she only giggled and shrug

Nagiko: "who knows exactly y/n" she said teasingly as I facepalm then heard someone calling her

Nagiko: "I should go, I'll see ya later y/n!" She said smiling then ran off until she tripped and hit face first to a wall...ooooo that Gotta sting...welp so I walked until......

I slipped then fell now face first...Jesus I kinda have a feeling that nagiko's luck is getting into me now... welp least I might have enough luck to live or maybe gain a heart...I hope, then again I really can't be sure...I might either get good or bad luck so we shall see

Brought to you by author secretly pre writing another story draft same to others instead of doing chapters

Well I think it's official, I've been hanging out a lot with nagiko but the more I did it, the more bad moments happen like the time I fell down the stairs

Or another time I accidentally fell into the pool somehow but not paying attention with her getting our clothes fucking wet (get to I think 1:25)

Then the other time I was doing a random jogging due with boredom I ran into someone who had fucking boxes of bricks!!! Fucking bricks?!!!

(0:50) to be honest, they do say no pain no gain, so I think I'm doing alright spending time, she seems more happy when she sees me. So I think I'm-

Y/n: "oof!" I tripped and hit face first onto the floor as I groan then heard someone gasped and look up seeing it be Mikan- wait...I hit my face on the ground but...I'm on her!!!

Y/n: "....."

Mikan: "....." we were both silent until I broke it

Y/n: "don't you fucking dare make a damn moan..." I warned her as she slowly nod and before I even tried getting up....

Mikan: "a-aaaahhh y/n Kun~" god fucking damnit!!! I quickly jumped up and ran, but before I even got far I ran right into nagiko. Ok I think the bad luck is currently kicking my ass...

Nagiko: "ow...o-oh! Y/n! Nice to see you a- woah! You ok?" She asked as I was confused until I started feeling something wet then touch my forehead, seeing that I'm somehow bleeding- well not somehow I've gotten myself hurt a lot so I think i am starting to not even realize it

Y/n: "it's fine, I'm fine nagiko" I tried lying then get up as she pouted

Y/n: "what's with that face?" I asked her as she sighed

Nagiko: "cmon let me go bandage you up, now if you ask with Mikan I think- oh Mikan! Hello!" She just literally was gonna tell me a reason then instantly go happy noticing Mikan... ok the

Mikan: "h-hi nagiko" she said, yea no I think I prefer my head bleeding instead

Y/n: "hey nagiko lets just go..." I told her until suddenly before we just walk off I slipped on a banana peel, ok this is annoying but as I did. I think that banana peel just pushed me further

Nagiko: "......"

Y/n: "....." awkward silence? Well no shit were kissing! I was completely a tomato blushing hard like a rock. Same to her, the kiss broke as I quickly got up and tried apologizing

Y/n: "n-nagiko I-I'm s-" she cut me off with another kiss as I was surprised but slowly returned it. It went on for awhile until we stopped to catch some air and panted

Nagiko: "to be honest, y/n I kinda liked you for awhile~" she said with a smile as I replied it back

Y/n: "same nagi" I replied as we gave a hug but suddenly hear the PA

Monokuma: "a body has been discovered! Please report to kitchen!" He shouted as we looked at each other and shrugged, we held our hands together and walked to the area but before we can...guess what?

Yep back at it again 2 convenient fucking banana peels were placed...whose the guy eating bananas?!!!

Monokuma has been on a palm tree calmly eating banana and throwing them around snickering

Monokuma: "boy this'll sure be fun" he said to himself as the screen slowly started fading black

The end

Authors note
Wow that took awhile as I expected to be anyway, thank you for reading this one shot sorry for taking it long school n shit is terrible especially today but we don't worry much anyway thank you all and I'll see ya next time PeAcE!

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