Xarniel oc personalitys x male reader

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Hey guys this one is another request from my friend maki in discord but like I said you could make your request in the request board like usual and I'll try and do my best in them but there will be all the personality of xarniel like depressed,yandere,tsundere,shy, perverted,scared,normal,smart,funny, and flirty but anyway let's begin

My name is y/n and I am a member of the midnight haven and xarniel was my best friend but not until something has happened and there was the accident that has happened to her but right now I was having a chat with derpy/gunslinger

Derpy: so y/n can you explain to me why there is 10 xarniels?

I then gulp and started to explain


Me, popplio,snaky and maki were in the lab messing around and doing some work but right now we had made a machine of a portal through vrchat life and we asked her if she wanted to see if it worked or not

Y/n: so guys you sure this experiment could work?

Popplio: of course we know it could work

Snaky: yea and maki is checking on any problems on it and to make sure if it's working or not

Y/n: but what if it doesn't work?

Popplio: don't question maki she can fix anything right!

Y/n: remember that one time she almost made lantern self destruct

Snaky: touché

Maki: hey! I can hear you guys!

I then facepalm and sigh until I heard the door slammed open and saw xarniel here with a empty bottle of whiskey again

Xarniel: hey guys sorry I'm late I was doing some meeting and getting a drink from our bar

Snaky: you didn't drink all the whiskey again right xarniel?

Xarniel: ...... so let's begin this portal thing!

Snaky: or avoid my question sure

Maki: ok guys I checked it and it looks perfectly great so anyway xarniel just go through the portal and come back, easy!

Xarniel: I guess so but let's begin!

Popplio: oh I'll start it up!

I then see Popplio get up from her chair and run to the lever and start the machine and then the portal was showing xarniel was slowly walking to it and then maki pushed her in to hurry up but then something was happening the machine was going haywire and started to break down

Y/n: uhh maki get her out of there!

Maki: shit I got this!

Maki then rushed to the control center and tries getting xarniel back but ten Popplio tried to pull the lever again but she ripped it off

Popplio: oops

Snaky: Popplio you just goof!

Y/n: god damnit maki cmon!!

Maki: im trying! Wait it's gonna blow!

Y/n: take cover!!!

We then flip a table and hide behind it and then the machine started to get a loud explosion an lasers were being shot out and screams heard

Various female x male reader Where stories live. Discover now