Xarniel oc x male reader

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Authors note
Hey guys so we got another one for mommy friend on discord named Johnny and he wanted to do my friend xarniel x male reader so anyway let's begin this

Today was another usual meeting again with xarniel doing the announcement, events and more were gonna do or participate in that we could do if we want and I was usual just staring at xarniel because she was my crush and I always wanted to confess to her but was scared to do so but my thoughts were interrupted from my best friend Johnny who air horn me and I fell off my chair and heard her laughing her ass off

Y/n: really again Johnny?

Johnny: oh come on it was funny and you know it hahahhhhahha!!!

Xarniel: Johnny please calm down and don't air horn y/n

Johnny: fine I won't then

She then sits back down and so do i and xarniel was going back to her announcement like usual while I kept thinking what to do to confess to xarniel until Johnny was tapping my shoulder and then punch my arm and I finally look at her

Johnny: dude you Ok? You keep spacing out so many times I have to punch your arm

Y/n: well it's Just nothing thats all

Johnny: you sure? Because it doesn't look like a nothing

Y/n: ok fine I'll tell you but you have to keep it a secret

Johnny: I will

I then sigh and hope she won't tell xarniel or maybe anyone at all

Y/n: ok so I have a crush on xarniel for a long time ever since I joined midnight haven and then gust met her I wanted to tell her that I love her for how she was with the way she's happy and how she acts b-but-

Johnny: but what?

Y/n: I'm worried she might reject me and never talk to me because that might ruin our friendship together and I don't wanna screw it up

I then sigh and look down and then Johnny hugs me and pats my back

Johnny: it's ok bud I got your back no matter what, even though I may prank you sometimes but still I will always support you to find a lover and win her heart

Y/n: heh thanks Johnny I really appreciate your help

Johnny: Ok then so we should figure out how you could ask her out since your probably shy maybe

Y/n: your right I'm kinda worried

Johnny: relax I'm pretty sure that she could accept your confession I know it

Y/n: thanks,so what does xarniel like?

Johnny: well I may been friends with her but I don't know fully, hmmmm hm maybe we could ask derpy? He hangs out with xarniel and might know a lot about her

Y/n: your probably then let's go find him

We then wait for xarniel sneering to end and it finally does and then we get up and go do our own things while we try I find derpy And maybe ask anyone if they seen him but The last 2 people who I wanna shines ask were fuggld and stripes since we hadn't asked them yet but we couldn't find them until we heard sounds in derpys room and we thought something was happening and we open the door only to see fuggle snd stripes playing super smash bros on the  Nintendo switch and stripes kept saying wombo combo and was winning while fuggle was also shouting and losing and we just see derpy watching the two of them battle and we go to him and I tap his shoulder and he looks and sees us and nod

Johnny: hey derpy we wanna know how much you know about xarniel or what she likes to do

Derpy: I know much but not all but yea I could tell you she does kinda like to drink but also love hanging out with friends and having fun a lot of times

Y/n: well thanks derpy for the info cya

Johnny: yea cya and uhh how they doing on that?

Derpy: they argue a lot in super smash bros

Johnny: makes sense, well let's go y/n and win xarniels heart!

Y/n: o-ok then

We then start to look for xarniel but we couldn't find her at all and we even checked her office but she wasn't there either and we kept looking around we look at the balcony and saw her standing out there looking out side alone and I felt shoving and saw Johnny saw shove me

Johnny: cmon y/n you gotta tell her now

Y/n: ok fine, I'll tell her then

She then nods and gives me a thumbs up while I walk up to xarniel and then tap her shoulder and she jumps a bit and turns to see me and sighs in relief and just goes back fo looking at the city

Xarniel: what do you need?

Y/n: xarniel there is something I wanted to tell you for awhile

Xarniel: what is it?

Y/n: xarniel for awhile ever since I met you I started to develop feelings for you and every time I'm near you my heart feels happy and warm inside and so to tell you the truth I loved you ever since I met you

I then see her shaking and look back to me crying a lot and smiling

Y/n: xarniel what's wr-

I was then cut off by her kissing me passionately and it almost caught me off guard but I kissed back and held her hips to deepen the kiss and we did it for awhile and  then break the kiss and I se ever smile and I caress her cheek and wipe the tears off her and she still smiles and hugs me

Xarniel: i love you too y/n and I always have ever since you joined, you made me feel happy and great inside and I'm grateful for it I love you

Y/n: I love you to xarniel

I then look back and saw Johnny silently cheering for me and holding a sign that says great job and I gave her a thumbs up and I felt happy to be with my love to make her happy no matter what

The end

Authors note
Well guys I wanna say that was a good story from my friend and I hope you enjoyed this and yanks for reading and I'll see y'all later

Various female x male reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt