Perfect Hook: 02

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Chapter Two

The crowd roars as the team walks out.

I don't understand rugby, not that I did actually try, but I can feel the excitement from the crowd. It's so loud but I can't help but smile as I feel a thrill rush through my body. No matter how vast or limited your knowledge was, the reaction from the crowd was undeniable.

My gaze is drawn to the hundreds of people around me, many of whom are stood up. "Wow," My voice is drowned out amongst the cheers.

I still struggle getting used to the environment and people in London. It's so much different to Norwich, in so many ways. But Stratford stadium still catches my breath every time and I wonder if Camilla ever feels the same.

Camilla nudges my side and leans over, "It's crazy, isn't it?"

"You read my mind," I murmur and watch the cameras that fly over the players, who wave and grin. I fidget in my seat from excitement and Camilla's hand grips my wrist as the camera stops on the captain; Storm. He grins as everyone begins to sing the national anthem and I join in as the excitement courses through my body.

Just a few minutes later, Storm and the captain of the other team join each other in the middle. "Damn," Camilla voices, in awe. I look at her in question. "He looks so attractive right now."

I roll my eyes but laugh. Storm is a handsome man, it's undeniable.

But sitting here, almost feels surreal in the moment. Just months prior, I'd been somewhere completely different.

"So, you're really doing this?" Theo asks, contempt laced in his words.

I'm quiet for a moment, as I haul the last of my bags into my car. When I turn to face him, his pained eyes meet mine and I can almost feel the waves of betrayal that correspond. "I start on Monday," I explain as I brush the dust off my knees; I haven't gone anywhere outside of Norwich in years and the dust from my suitcase can certainly vouch for that. "Camilla said I can stay at hers since she spoke to the landlord and her lease isn't over just yet s-"

Theo clears his throat, bringing my rambling to a halt and my own lips twist into a painful smile. His dark brows are drawn in together and his eyes downcast, the lashes hiding his dark eyes – dark eyes that I already know drown in disappointment and pain. His next words cement the guilt almost choking me. "You could have prepared us at the very least," he murmured. "You're just up and leaving without a second thought of how any of us feels," his arm twists to our house – to my parents' house and then to Adam's house. "The funeral was a month ago, Cal."

The mention of the funeral completely throws me off for a second and I feel that painful twist in my chest; like somebody has reached in and ripped everything out. "And what about me?" I ask, with gritted teeth. "What about how I feel, huh? I've lost my best friend, T. And I don't want to stay here anymore; I can't and I cannot move on with my life whilst I'm still here surrounded by his memories. It's too painful and if you loved me then yo-"

Before I can even finish my sentence, I'm bundled in my brother's arms. His hold on me tightens, almost painfully. "Of course, I love you, you idiot," he mutters. "That's why I'm acting like this, Cal. I know it's only a few hours away but it's so sudden and ... things are ... different."

"I know," Things had been different. Adams death had been unexpected, he'd been there one day and gone the next. I wasn't sure if this made the feelings of grief worse, but it had left a gaping hole in its place. After Adams death, I'd spent weeks wondering if things would have been different if we had been prepared, but there was no way of me knowing. "I'm sorry I didn't give you more notice, but I did try to be okay. I've tried for three months and I just know I can't be here anymore, T.

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