Perfect Hook: 05

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Chapter Five

Work had been extremely hectic over the last few days, with Liam being my only patient, the remainder of my time was spent shadowing other counsellors and ensuring I was up to date with any training.

On top of that, Julian and I had texted far more than was socially acceptable.

I looked forward to each one of those texts regardless and Julian had been extremely helpful with ideas for the charity. It felt a lot easier with him because he understood my vision.

I hadn't seen him since the meet at the café, but I would be tonight. The rugby team hosted a yearly dinner for family and friends. Storm had invited Camilla and I, much to my discomfort. Social events scared me at times, this one sounded extravagant, and I was not used to that at all. However, I'd made a promise to myself and that was one of the few reasons I was adament on going.

I hadn't heard from Craig since the incident on the field. He had messaged me to say he was okay but I was growing extremely concerned by the day, Craig had always been someone who wore his heart on his sleeve. And though I did not know all the details, it was evident he was struggling with some demons of his own. Demons that had him compromising his job and his relationship with his family.

There had been a few articles about Craig recently, speculating where he was and rumours of a divorce. I hadn't met Craig's wife since I was here, but Camilla told me she'd moved in with her mother and they were going through a rough patch. I imagined that was already difficult, let alone it being in the public eye.

And that is what terrified me about working with Julian; I didn't want my dirty laundry to be broadcasted to the world.

"Cal, open up!"

"You have keys," I reminded Camilla as I opened the door. She grinned and held up a bottle of wine. "It's not even twelve."

"It is somewhere," she sang and squeezes her way past me. "So, I have the worst headache in the world. I've been looking at cases all morning because I wanted to catch up but goodness."

I smile, "You already drunk?"

Camilla rolls her eyes, placing the bottle on the countertop. "Don't get sarcastic on me, miss. So, what have you been up to?"

Closing the door behind me, I take a moment to take a breath and turn to her. "Just work," I say, off-headedly. "I've just been in the office most of the week and planning some parts of the charity with Julian over text when he's free, so pretty busy. How about you?"

Her dark brows lift up at my words and I stifle a laugh.

"Same old," she says, collapsing on the sofa. "Storms been busy with covering for Craig with some of the journalists and the coach, but it's been nice when I get to see him."

"He's good for you," I note and sit opposite her. Whilst Camilla and I had spoken occasionally throughout my life because of the distance between our families, it wasn't hard to gauge the differences in her. It wasn't to say that Storm changed her completely, because love didn't do that, it just emphasised the good qualities. And Storm certainly bought that out in her.

A smile graced her lips and her entire face radiated. Camilla was stunning, she had distinct features like her large blue eyes that I could only describe as doe eyed. She was a few inches taller than me and had the most incredible curly waves that bounced around her shoulders, but she truly had a stunning smile. "He is," she agrees. "Sometimes I just think about how many times I pushed him away. I do not deserve him, at all Cal. Even with Craig, he's just been great." Her gaze shifts at the mention of her brother and despite the healthy glow she practically gives out, I can see the hurt from a mile away.

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