21~ Puzzle

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Finals week is here, I'm dying.

Helping eight other people study for finals and then preparing yourself on top of that is a lot. Sleep hasn't been an option since Saturday and cheer and basketball just take even more out of me. Why do I do it? Because I'm a very nice person who doesn't know how to say no and it's a problem. A big one.

But as soon as that bell rings, I'm free.

The only challenge is surviving today. Last night, I fell asleep on the phone with Ashton while finalizing our presentation details since he wasn't here to rehearse over the weekend. I didn't get a chance to set an alarm so we woke up late. Extremely late. That's how I wound up falling down the stairs while putting my cheer shoes on because on top of everything else we have a game tonight.

To say I'm stressed would be an understatement.

The car ride to school I quiz Sage on his Chemistry notes, a class he struggles with, while Sterling helps Silver. Of course, he never gets nervous over tests, his own monstrosity of a robot sitting in the back. Stupid child genius.

We drop Saffron in the Elementary car rider line before parking in the back. I run into the school regretting the decision to leave my wet hair uncovered in 20 degree weather.

If I get pneumonia I won't have to present today. Truly, I'm that desperate.

We have 10 minutes till class and then I'm off to my 2nd period exam. Shit.

The very exam I forgot about last night because I was so focused on Lang. I burst into a full out run through the halls trying to reach the table we sit at in the morning.

My friends are all in various sets of deliriousness, I'm pretty sure the reason none of us are in PJ's is because of the game. I fling my bag open and pull out my study guide, my eyes frantically scanning the page.

"What's wrong with you?" Ella asks between yawns.

"Forgot about pre cal exam. Must study. Will fail." I inform them between vocab words, who decided to put vocabulary in math to begin with? Were numbers and letters not enough? My palms start to sweat profusely, a queasy feeling settling in my stomach. It's fine, totally fine.

All to soon the bell rings, I trudge to class,  prepared to meet my doom. At least we have an hour study period, still plenty of time. Right?

An hour later my nerves are even worse, the need to throw up overtaking my senses. I ignore the shaking of my hand as I grab the test from my teacher.

It takes me twice as long to finish my exam. Surprisingly, I knew all the material, my mind's just in hyper drive. None of the words process in my mind, which only freaks me out more. My leg shakes a million miles an hour and my hand sweat had smudges my writing more than once.

Why am I so worked up?

I go back through my morning. I didn't drink coffee because it makes me anxious. We were late but nothing more than usual. Granted I was testing all day but I shouldn't feel like this. What's wrong?

I groan and put my head down on the desk as a realization hits me. It doesn't matter if I drink coffee or not when I forgot to take my anxiety medicine. I am so screwed.

I sit with my head down trying to control my breathing patterns. The shaking spreads through my entire body, making me feel like I'm sitting on top of a washing machine. Eventually the bell rings dismissing us for lunch, I have an hour to calm down before my nerves get all messed up again. I should have spare medicine in the nurses room.

Looks like I'm paying nurse Molly a visit.

"Scarlett, where are you going?" Ashton calls as I walk in the opposite direction of the cafe.

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