35~ Valentines

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I hate February.

In all reality, it's not the entire month just the first 14 days to be exact. I don't need to be surrounded by hearts and chocolates while fools who claim they're in love make out viciously in the hallway.

And, of course, today is that dreaded day of the year. Valentine's Day.

I stayed up late, finishing Saffron's little valentines box for school and helping make everyone's gifts. Then I had to make something because, no matter how much I hate Valentine's Day, my friends do deserve a present for dealing with me.

I go down for breakfast to find Uncle John, who has a key to our house, making pancakes with five gifts laid out on the table.

Sage runs into the kitchen holding two bow ties in his hand. "Which one?"

He's asking Ella on a date tonight and for some reason he's worried, not like she has other plans. I look at both bow ties and instantly regret trying to help, they're hideous. One has kissy emojis and the other is character hearts in multi color.

Where did he get these from? Shirts were one thing but Sage normally has good tie taste. I'm trying to find the best possible way to say neither without completely freaking him out when Uncle John points him towards his gift.

Like a little kid in a candy store, Sage walks towards his bag and I follow.

There's a bunch of candy, a card plus a few more expensive items like jewelry and makeup. I also get a set of watercolor pencils I've been eyeing for a while. Sage gets a new bow tie, thankfully, along with a watch and some other goodies.

"Okay, what's the apology for?"I demand, throwing away the other ties. Normally I would donate them but no one deserves to wear those.

"What do you mean, Bean?" John asks, fidgeting with his apron.

I mean, his gifts are always extravagant but this time he's gone above and beyond. That only means one thing, he's going out of town. I give him the I'm not stupid look and he gulps.

"I may have to cancel tonight's dinner." He starts and I frown. He was supposed to take the four of us out. Uncle John's been completely single since high school so we usually make fun of couples.

"Why?" Sterling asks as he enters the room, dressed much more casual and fashionable than Sage.

"Because I maybe... sorta..." he hesitates and we all motion for him to continue, "I sorta have a date tonight." He blurts out and Sage lets out a hoot.

"You're leaving me all alone in the I hate Valentine's Day club?" I pout but, honestly, I'm happy for him. I can't imagine the bachelor life being exciting forever. Plus, I feel like ever since my parents he's been all alone.

A girlfriend is good for him. A girlfriend means he's happy.

He ruffles my hair, "Oh, Bean, I don't think you're gonna be alone tonight."

I swat his hand away and begin to snack on my pancakes. As of right now my plan is to watch horror movies and eat ice cream.

Silver walks into the room, takes one look at all the hearts and lets out a grunt, "I hate this day."

I give him a sympathetic nod, looks like I'm not alone after all.


"Happy Valentine's Day!" Ella sings as she appears at our lockers.

I hiss at the mention of the word but she shoves a large iced coffee in my hands and I instantly shut up.

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