27~ Hell

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I wake up, unsure of where I am.

I'm in Sage's room, but not. The walls are an awful shade of bubblegum pink, they haven't been that color since this was my room. It's not until I hear heels clicking in the hallway do I understand I am in my old room. I'm dreaming. I look down at myself, wearing a T-shirt I threw in the back of my closet the night after-

A chilling feeling washes over me, this isn't just a dream, this is the night my parents died.

My own personal hell.

My mom appears wearing a gorgeous red dress, her curls effortlessly perfect. I'm stunned by her beauty, people insist we look identical but I'm nothing compared to her. She crawls onto my bed for a hug, her flowery perfume filling my nose. I begrudgingly hug her back, my heart falling as I fight against myself. Why didn't I hug her tighter?

"I know you're mad at me." She whispers into my hair, "It's safer for you to stay here. Bennett surely can understand that."

I don't say anything to her, the rude text Bennett sent me the only thing on my mind. What an idiot.

"I love you, Scarlett, more than you could ever know." She presses a kiss onto my forehead, looking over at the phone I threw across the room. "One day you'll find someone who loves you even more than I do." Even now, I scoff at this, except now I know I don't deserve that love.

"I love you too." I mutter. Why didn't I say it louder?

Dad knocks on the door, straightening his tie, a spitting image of Sage. "Kitty, we have to go. Johns already texted me three times and the party hasn't even started yet."

He walks up to my bed, I avoid his eyes. "What, no hug?"

Slowly, I allow him to engulf me in a hug, his facial hair scratching my cheek. "I love you, Princess, I'll try to steal some cookies from the buffet table just for you."

"Love you, Dad." I don't mention the cookies.

They walk to the door, lingering in the frame to watch me. I want to scream for them to come back, but I can only watch the scene play out. I wish I had paid more attention to the smile lines on my moms face or how my dad's eyes crinkled when he looked at us, full of so much love.

Next thing I know, I'm in the tv room, watching a movie with my siblings. The doorbell rings frantically and I get up from the couch, telling the boys to stay put. No one should be at our house, especially after midnight. I want to laugh now, remembering how I hoped it was Bennett.

I open the door, Uncle John on the other side. I look behind him, trying to figure out where my parents are. It takes me a moment to notice the tears streaming down his face, Uncle John never cries.

"Bean, I need you guys to get in the car." When I just stand there he wipes the tears off his face, "Please."

I nod, slightly terrified at the sight of my uncle so broken. We get in the car, a nagging thought in the back of my mind.

"What's wrong?" I finally ask, my voice shaking.

His grip on the steering wheels tightens, his tan knuckles turning white. "There's been an accident."

"What do you mean?" He doesn't say anything. "What do you mean?" I repeat myself, a crack in my voice. Deep down, I knew what he meant but I didn't want to believe it. There was no way.

"Your mom and dad got hit, we're going to visit them now." I remember watching the twins latch themselves onto Sage, Saffron oblivious to the situation as Uncle John whispers, "Everything will be ok, guys."

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