28~ Ashton

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Ashton's POV

I check my phone for the millionth time today.

Still no text from Scarlett, it's almost one and she's been radio silent. We text each other every day. It feels strange.

At first, I tried to convince myself I was just being paranoid. I mean, Scarlett doesn't have to text me. I want her to but she doesn't have to. Sage hasn't texted me either and that's how I know something's off. He always sends me at least ten stupid memes before noon. Always.

I pace the house, staring at the last few messages I sent her hours ago.

Good morning Sweetheart
Someone's sleeping late
You okay?

Still no reply. I reread that last message she sent me yesterday.

Don't worry about me Ash. I'm proud of you :)

It's kinda hard for me to not worry. She was so out of it yesterday, missing all of her usual sass. I haven't seen her frown that much since the first week I met her.

My phone digs and I check it so fast I almost drop it, I let out a frustrated groan. It's only Gabe.

How're things going?

I pinch my brow, what the hell is he talking about?

What do you mean? I'm at home.

I expect him to reply immediately but it's five minutes before I get another message.

You aren't with Scarlett today?

I consider throwing my phone at the wall, Gabe's favorite hobby is taunting me about Scarlett. He even threatened to ask her out if I didn't. Not like she would say yes to either of us.

What a great friend.

No I'm not with her, she hasn't answered me all day. Why?

We started talking after he pulled me off Bennett at his party. Surprisingly, once you made it past all the swagger and player, there's a really good person in him.

He's become one of my closest friends, along with Zev, learning they were a package deal like Ella and Stella. I'm not as close with them as I am with Sage and Scarlett of course. But I really can't talk to Sage about my girl problems and I certainly can't chat with Scarlett. That would be one hell of a conversation.

You know what today is, right?

I roll my eyes, typing out a snarky reply and instantly regretting it.

It's the 27th you idiot. What's with the stupid questions?
Sorry, I'm just grumpy.

There's another gap before he replies, I contemplate not even looking at it but this conversation is keeping me from checking Scarlett's messages.

Never mind... Are you still planning on going to my party?

I let out a breath.

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