chapter 6

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June 20, 20XX



Holy crap, his voice is so calming for some reason. The company did a good job with the voice, I wonder who voice acted for him.

"Hi Kookie, uhm... Welcome to my home!" I said trying not to look like a nervous rack.

He smiled and stepped out of the box. He looked around the house, examining every single inch.

"You're house isn't half bad, I thought it would've been smaller but oh well"

"Well, you have to get used to this Look cause your living here from now on"

"I know, I know. By the way, has another box arrived yet? It has all my belongings there like clothes"

"Wow, you get your own stuff too? This is too real, you're like a real person!"

He chuckled and walked up to me.

"U-Uhm, you're stuff hasn't a-arrived yet! I-I.."

Why am I starting to get flustered everytime he gets closer? Gosh (Name), he's just a robot chill!

"Flustered already (Name)? I wouldn't expect you to be like this, you seemed more confident through the camera.."

He leaned down close to my face and smirked. I pushed his face back and covered my now tomato face.

"Jungkook! Do you want to be disowned on from my house?"

He laughed at my reaction and went to sit on the couch.

"You're too cute (Name). Can't believe you're like this"

I walked over to the couch and sat down beside him. I looked at him, and he looked at me. I slowly reached towards his face and felt it.


I felt my own face while feeling his. How does this feel so similar? What material did they use to make this frikin robot?

"Uhm, (Name)?"

"You're face..It feels like a humans face. How?"

Jungkook looked at me for a second and gently held my arm within his.

"The company has it's ways, they try to make the robots as realistic as possible"

"Ah, I see. The company doesn't use actual human skin do they?"

"What? No! You're overthinking things (Name)" He says laughing.

I smiled at him and slowly took my hands away from Jungkook.

"Do you want to eat something? Do the robots have something specific they have to eat?"

"No, we can eat anything"


I went to the kitchen and looked through the fridge. I have nothing, great.

"Do we need to go grocery shopping (Name)?"

I looked behind me and saw Jungkook.

"Yea, I could go to the grocery store real quick and buy something. Do you want anything specifically?"

"Or I could go with you so that things will be easier?"

I looked at him for a bit and sighed.

"I guess it couldn't hurt bringing you out. At least you could experience the outside for a while"

Jungkook smiled and went to the living room. I closed the fridge and went up to my room.

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