Do you like me?

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Once everyone else is asleep Harry looks over at Draco who keeps tossing and turning so he knows he's still awake. "Draco," Harry whispers drawing his attention to then look at Harry. "Come here."

Draco stands up and walks to him to which Harry pats the side of the bed telling him to lay down. "There isn't any room," Draco says happy it was dark so that Harry can't see the red blush on his cheeks.

The next second the bottom bunk grows in size making Draco trip and fall onto the extended side of it making Harry silently laugh. "Now there is," He whispers smiling at Draco. Harry turns to face him being careful of Lily while Draco is a bit reluctant to get any closer to him. "Can we talk now?"

"Yeah," Draco whispers nervously as he reaches out to pet Lily's hair as if to try and soothe himself.

"Do you like me in anyway?" Harry asks abruptly and Draco is a little taken back at his forwardness. He knows that he's liked Harry for quite a while but he's told himself that he would never admit it. But here he is laying on the same bed with Harry Potter discussing if he likes him and he doesn't know what to say.

"Harry-" Draco starts as if he's going to deliver bad news until he hears a gasp from beside him. "What?"

"That...that was the first time you've called me by my real name," Harry says as a soft smile makes its way onto his lips and he reaches his hand out and threads it into Draco's hair. He loves how silky it feels between his fingers and could play with it all day.

"Harry-" Draco breaths but he can't finish because the next thing he knows Harry's lips are on his. And though they are careful of the little girl between them they continue snogging for quite a while. When they eventually pull away they rest their foreheads agains each other's and pant. "Yes, I do like you. I really really like you."

A smile appears on Harry's lips as he pecks Draco's lips one more time before turning back over so he's facing away from Draco in order to sleep. "I like yo too," Harry whispers back and Draco can't help but love the warm feeling in his chest.

The next morning the first one to wake up is Hermione who has always been an early riser followed closely by Rose. They look at the now large bottom bunk and smiles grow on their faces. Lily is still asleep in Harry's arms while Draco is behind him spooning him. Hermione wakes up Ron so that he can see but he only ends up fake gagging though she could tell he's happy for Harry.

Next to wake up is Lily who decides it is a better time than any to wake up her dads. So, she stands up on the bed and starts jumping and yelling, "Wake up! Wake up!" Harry groans turning so he's closer to Draco who wraps his arms around him tighter.

"Daddy!" Lily yells jumping on top of them pouting. "Father!"

They groan again but this time they open their eyes to look up at her and she smiles down at them as they pull away from each other making her fall onto the bed. They kind of stare at each other with goofy grins on their faces when Lily tackles Harry onto the bed and they all laugh.

The next thing that is heard are two loud groans that seem to fill the room. "Shut up," James says loudly as he covers his head with his pillows.

"Yep, definitely Harry," Hermione says laughing and the next thing she knows a pillow hits her in the face.

James jerks up gasping and looks at her in shock and fear. "I'm so sorry," he apologizes quickly and crawls to the furthest corner from her.

"Why are you freaking out?" Ron asks raising his eyebrows at him but receives no response from him.

"Because Aunt Hermione is scary," Scorpius says rolling over so he's facing away from them trying to get more sleep. Rose then abruptly swings down and lands on him making him cough and sit up glaring at her. He turns so he is sitting beside her and facing the group.

"I can tell that you don't like getting up, are you always late to classes?" Harry asks chuckling because that is definitely something that happens to him.

"No, usually if I don't show up to breakfast Rose knows I'm still asleep and comes and wakes me up. I must say it is helpful but can be quite annoying," He responds as he rubs his eyes looking at everyone but smiling widely when he sees that his dads slept in the same bed.

"Huh," Ron says looking between Rose and Scorpius again skeptically. "How does she get in?"

"No idea," Scorpius says shrugging his shoulders not really caring.

"Random question," Hermione says kind of raising her hand but puts it down knowing it's stupid but Scorpius nods looking at her. "Do those two fight a lot?"

She points at Harry and Draco and everyone glances at them while they look to Scorpius. "Well, kind of they're usually over stupid things and they end up coming to a conclusion by the time they go to bed. But the biggest fight I know of is whether to let us go to muggle elementary school or not," Scorpius says to which everyone is a bit shocked and Draco lifts his eyebrow at him as if telling him to continue. "It got so bad that dad left to go stay at grandma and grandpa Weasley's house for a few days."

Harry is shocked but wants to know what they decided. "Father, kind of begged him to come home, though he'd never admit it. And though I never got to go to elementary school they agreed that James and Lily could," Scorpius explains smiling at his dad who chuckles and kisses Draco's cheek making him go a deep red.

"So, I won the argument?" Harry laughs having not expected that.

"You kind of bribed him though," James says butting into the conversation as he looks at his dads upside down.

"With what?" Draco asks wondering if it was really that good to change his mind about muggle school. Scorpius kind of coughs a few times looking away and both Harry and Draco went red in understanding.

Hermione and Ron start to laugh so hard that a little voice is than heard, "Mommy?" Hugo says from above them and she looks up to see a messy haired baby reaching out for her to hold him. He smiles tiredly at her and starts twirling her hair on his finger distracting himself.

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