Let's get looking

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When writing this chapter I had no clue as to where I was taking it. Like there was just something big that happened in the last 2...3 chapters and I'm at a stand still of what I want to happen. Like I have the end of the story planned out which shouldn't occur for a good 8-10 chapters more or less. It all depends on how well I can do fuller chapters such as this one. Ugh!

"Hey guys!" Harry says cheerily as he walks into the room of requirement while he has his arm wrapped around Draco's waist. Draco blushes at the blatant attempt to show everyone that he is back to himself, which included Harry loving Draco.

"Harry!" Everyone cheers though a few follow it with a yawn as they had all just woken up.

"How?" Hermione looks between them shocked not entirely convinced. "He should still be enchanted, its only been a few days."

Harry glances at Draco smirking making him blush and hide his face in Harry's shoulder. "Well, this one here," Harry starts gesturing to the hiding Draco, "in an attempt to break up with me came to the infirmary to talk. I, of course still under the effects of the potion, kept trying to get him to leave. He then begged me to kiss him, at least once."

"I did not beg, Malfoys don't beg," Draco says pulling away and glaring at him with his arms crossed across his chest.

"You begged," Harry smirked at him making everyone laugh while Draco blushed looking away. "Anyways, once we kissed it was like I was myself again and had full control of my body."

"Huh?" Hermione mumbles holding her chin as she looks down at the ground thinking. "I mean it could be like in fairy tales, true loves kiss or something like that. The love potion was effective until the one you loved kissed you and it broke. I mean it makes since, kinda."

"Good job, gays," James says moving in between them and hugging them at the same time.

They look at him strangely before Draco speaks, "Did you mean guys?"

"Did I stutter?" James states smirking at his dad's who were confused while Rose and Scorpius are dying laughing a little ways away. (I'm sorry, I had to!^This is what happens when I run out of ideas!!)

"Anyways, since that problem has been solved now we need to focus on finding the time-turner," Ron says bringing their busy minds to what is really important at the moment. "I'm sure our future selves are really worried since they have been here longer than a week, I mean I know I would be."

"Do you have any ideas on how to find it?" Harry asks as he messes up James's already messes up hair causing him to quickly pull away and walk back over to Scorpius's side.

"I mean there is a chance it could be in the forbidden forest though I am most definitely not checking there," Ron says raising his hands as if that could keep him from going into the forest. Then all of a sudden Ron yells jumping away from his previous spot to reveal Rose who had been wiggling her fingers to make it seem like a spider was on him. "Not funny!"

"A little funny," Harry chokes out trying to conceal his laughter along with Hermione, though not very well. Ron pouts not being laughed at but sighs getting back to the point.

"We can gather the others together and split up to look all over the school's grounds," Ron says to which they all nod in agreement before heading down to breakfast before heading to classes.

As the day progresses they tell those they trust to meet them in the room of requirements right after their final class. When it is finally time to meet there are 9 other people standing around the room. Such as: Fred, George, Neville, Luna, Pansy, Blaise, Ginny, Dean, and Seamus. (I didn't want to list them but I had no idea how else to do it so...oh well.)

They quickly explained the situation to those who were still unsure as to what was happening and why. "So, that's why Dumbledore is doing the whole competition thing?" Neville asks trying to clarify the information he had just received. They all nod.

"Well, I think it's lovely," Luna says smiling brightly at them and walking forward to give Harry a big hug. "And I'm happy for you Harry!"

When she pulls away from Harry she gives Draco a small smile and a nod knowing he would much like for her to hug him. Deck sighs and smirks at her before pulling her into a hug himself shocking everyone. Harry can't help but smile as he sees Draco willing hugging one of his friends. (She is my fav. HP character you know while Draco is my second, sorry not sorry.)

"Okay, since that is over," Ron says clapping his hands glancing at everyone. "Let's get looking."

Gosh this whole chapter was crap and literally had nothing that was considered relatively important to the plot but whatever. It is my shortest chapter so far with less then 900 words, sigh. I promise I'll try to make the next one more exciting, hopefully that is a promise I can actually keep. Yikes! Anyways, see you next week!!

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