The Past

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"Have our dad's really hated each other since they first met?" James asks out of the blue having been too nervous to ask them now because they seemed to still be getting used to liking each other and he doesn't want to ruin the progress they've made.

"Who be your pops again?" Hagrid asks not having all of the information on the situation.

"Harry and Draco," Scorpius answers and the feeling of saying his parents names is a bit weird.

"Oh certainly, I ain't never seen two youngens so set on destroyen each other. I'm shocked they end up with each other," Hagrid says chuckling as the Potters stare at him surprised but they had been expecting this from the few stories their parents have told them but most of them were from the war.

"What have my parents been like? Hermione and Ron," Rose questions looking at him with interest and curiosity.

"Well if they have any feels for each other they be darn good at hide'n them for I ain't seen nothin' but friends," Hagrid responds smiling softly down at her.

"Would y'all like anything to drink?" Hagrid asks as he's about to stand up from the seat he's in.

"No thank you," Rose says not wanting to bother him with having to get up which the others agree with her on.

"Why are you so big?" Lily asks looking up at him curiously and grinning.

"Well, I'm part giant but I ain't as big as me brother cuz he is a true giant," He laughs whole heartedly as if remembering old memories.

They stay at Hagrid's for a few hours until Dobby appears out of thin air. "Hello young Potters and Weasleys," He says waving at them to which they smile waving back. "Harry Potter seems to be quite upset and wishes to see you because it is time for lunch."

"Oh dear, It'd almost slipped me mind," Hagrid groans as he stands from his seat and walks out of the hut with them close behind him.

"Thank you Dobby," Scorpius says smiling at him making Lily gasp and run up to hug him tightly.

" know Dobby's name?" He looks between them shocked but happy.

"Yes, we have heard so much about you," Rose says standing next to Scorpius and bumping his shoulder as she smiles up at him.

"Y'all better hurry or y'all parents'll be mad," Hagrid says from the distance he's made between them since they had all been standing there. Dobby waves happily at them as he disappears and they head to the great hall only to see their parents waiting in front of it.

"Where were you? We told you to wait in the Room of Requirements," Harry says glaring at them angrily, taking on a father persona.

"Hot," Malfoy whispers to himself staring at Harry, but hopes that no one else is able to hear it.

"I didn't want to stay in there all day it would have been boring so we headed down to Hagrid's and hung out with him," Scorpius says with confidence.

"Definitely your kid," Malfoy says gesturing to Harry making Ron and Hermione laugh and nod their heads in agreement.

"But he's got the Malfoy confidence," Harry says trying to push this off on him.

"Nope, still you. Remember the unicorn?" Malfoy says a little shocked that he had brought up a moment where he was a coward but he knows his point is made when Harry nods.

"But I wonder if he has your arrogance," Harry throws back and they get into each other's faces. All the kids start to get worried that they would fight again like the stories Hagrid told them and then not speak again.

"Alright girls, lets just go to lunch," Ron says trying to split them up before turning to the kids. "Alright whatever robes you are wearing is the table you'll be sitting at."

"Alright?" James says picking Lily up and going to stand next to Draco and following him in as they don't want to all enter at once and have a lot of attention on them.

Hermione then picks up Hugo while Rose and Scorpius follow behind the trio trying to hide. They take their seats and a few minutes later Ginny appears next to Harry and starts flirting and touching his arm still thinking she has a chance.

"Welcome everyone," Dumbledore says once the last few students enter the room and get to their seats. "I have a new competition that we've never played before and will probably never play again so be ready. Somewhere inside Hogwarts's grounds is a time turner." He pauses and makes a projection of what the turner looks like up in the air grabbing people's attention. "Whoever finds it and returns it to me right away will receive 100 points for their house."

Excited whispers fill the air as they discuss how they'll find it or where it could be. Then out of no where a Ravenclaw, always the curious ones, raises their hand and says, "Professor, why have you instituted this game all of a sudden? Is there something that you are not telling us about it? Does it happen to include the strange children that appeared yesterday, maybe?"

Everyone is quiet as they turn to the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables looking at the children scrutinizingly. "That is none of your business and the answer to your question will not effect your search in anyway," Dumbledore says dismissively. "That is all, enjoy the rest of your day."

When they all left the Great Hall Ginny was still hanging onto Harry's arm, and he doesn't want to be rude but he knows that he will have to break up with her because he does like Draco. He doesn't think it's fair to just drag her along knowing that there's no future for them together. They meet the others in the hall causing Draco to take a few steps back from the group drawing Harry's eye. Harry can tell that Draco is ready to run at any moment and Harry doesn't want that to happen.

"Please let go of my daddy," Lily says looking up at Ginny and capturing Harry's attention from Draco who also looks at Lily.

Ginny smiles at her and squats closer to the ground to look at her in the face. "Why should I do that, sweetheart?" Ginny asks, not in a rude way but Lily doesn't like how she's looking at her.

Lily glares at her with the Malfoy glare and stares straight into her eyes while saying, "Because you are not my mommy." Ginny is a little taken back at how upfront she is but only laughs as she stands back up. Lily quickly grabs Harry's hand and drag him next to Draco who is still ready to run. Ginny looks at them as they grab each other's hands. "Harry?"

"I'm sorry Ginny, I really am. You are an amazing girl and deserve someone who undoubtably loves you. I did really like you but this..." Harry says trying to explain everything to her but then gestures to Draco and their interlocked fingers. "just kind of happened and I don't want to give you hope when we already know it won't work out in the long run. I mean look around us." He then gestures to the kids. "They are literally from the future and I'm with Draco."

"Are you only with him because these kids say you are?" Ginny demands wanting to know if that was all this is.

"No! No, I think I've kind of always liked him I had just been a bit scared to tell him and I constantly was denying my feelings," Harry looks at Draco lovingly making Ginny shocked and a bit angry.

"RONALD!" Ginny yells as she looks at her brother and gestures to the couple as if telling him to do something.

"Sorry Gin, not my life to mess with," Ron says raising his hands and taking a step back. Ginny just huffs and turns dramatically walking away.

The Shocking FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora