The Time-Turner Part 1

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Like I promised this one is really long so I hope you enjoy it...I actually started writing it yesterday cause I put it off so long but I knew I had to do it so I did and this happened soooo have fun and please excuse any misspellings or grammatical errors. (Ps the next two or three chapters will be similar in 'format' but not story)...I'm confusing okay BEGIN!!

"Harry!" Moaning Myrtle cheers happily as they all walk into the bathroom. Harry silently groans as she flys over to him smiling brightly before it then drops suddenly. "You haven't visited."

Harry sighs softly smiling softly at her before responding, "I'm sorry Myrtle it's been quite busy lately and I haven't had much time to spare."

"But the last time you were here was last year!" Myrtle whines not happy about that fact before a smirk then appears on her lips. "So, wanna take a bath?"

"Okay, I'm gonna stop you there," Draco says butting into their little discussion a bit irritated by the ghost in front of them. "We are here for something else, not you. So, can you go back to your little toilet and leave Harry and is alone?"

She scoffed her mouth open glaring at Draco as he just glared back grabbing Harry's hand in his making Myrtle raise an eyebrow smirking. "Oh, fine," She releases a fake sigh before turning to Harry. "But if you and a bath, I'll be waiting."

She then flew back into her stall allowing Harry to releasing a relieved sigh. "Alright, let's start," Harry says smiling at Neville who nods his head as the begin.

He spend half an hour trying to teach Neville how to speak parsel tongue and he still couldn't quite open the chamber after the multiple times he tried. Draco was starting to get irritated and angrily starts running his fingers through his hair. "How about we let Luna try," Neville sighs sad he wasn't able to accomplish this seemingly simple task.

"Brilliant!" Draco says happy to finally being able to move on and praying it will be easy for her. Lily just relaxed in his arms moving her fingers around on his back as she tries to intertwined herself during this long wait. At least she doesn't whine and complain.

Luna simply has to repeat after Harry once while next to the sink for it to open leaving Draco a bit shocked. He had not suspected the entrance to look like that.

"Again, I'm sorry Harry for taking so much of your time, thanks for the help though," Neville says disappointed in himself but happy Luna was able to eventually get it.

"It's okay at least one of you got it, the only down side is that I have to now deal with a grumpy Draco now," Harry responds chuckle as he looks over at the said boy who just glares back at him. "Be careful down there, McGonagall said they cleared out all the traps but just keep your eyes open."

They both nodded before heading slowly down to the chamber while Draco and Harry walked out of the bath room with a flirty "See you Harry" sent their way from Myrtle.

"That bloody ghost gets on my nerves," Draco grumbles setting Lily on the ground so she could walking bwside them and to keep her from falling asleep in his arms.

"What? Are you jealous?" Harry asks chuckling at the glare that was sent his way. Draco tries to turn away to hide the blush growing on his cheeks. "You are, aren't you!"

"Shut up. I am not jealous," He states matter of factually as if he wasn't lying through his teeth. "It's just she saw you naked before..."

Draco didn't finish his sentence shocked he was even going to actually say something like that out loud in front of Harry. "Before what, Draco?" Harry asks confused as silence hung in the air at the unfinished thought. That it hit him and he smirked staring at the boy next to him as if he could see right through him. "Before you could?"

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