The Nominations-guard

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Nomination Requirements

In order to be considered for the contest, the nomination must meet the following requirements:

Fill out nomination google form under the five genres.

The book must fall under one of the five sub-genres of romance: Erotica, Contemporary/New Adult, Chick Lit, Multi-Cultural, Mystery/Thriller.

Must have less that 15k views and actively updating within 2018

Must have minimum 5 chapters -- (5k word count if Nominating self- This excludes Character Casting, Copyright Notices, and Author notes.

Must be in English.

Must either be active/ongoing within 2018 (may be completed within 2018)

Must tag 3 users who will nominate you in the reply.

Must add #MTLContest tag to your story.

Follow the Healthy Romance Collection HRCollection account and add the More Than Love Contest to your Reading List/ library for updates.

Follow Hosts: rhythmchyc,  CosmicAxelteaclovers,  Shyneepul

Follow all Judges. (TBA)

Follow The Graphic Artists:


Must read over the Information and Rule page and Judging Criteria to make sure your story meets the standards.


The glorification of abuse in any form (emotional, mental, or physical) is unacceptable and will be immediately disqualified.

Your nominations must have some element of the genre you are selecting. If not, your nomination will be disqualified.

Do not reach out to hosts/judges. Do not bribe hosts/judges. You will be disqualified in both cases.

If you change your username or title of your work, please send a pm to HRCollection ASAP. We will not hunt down missing participants/judges.

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