Food 2 🖤

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Ivan felt bad now. He made Jack cry. He was the reason Jack cried and left the room. How bad of a boyfriend is he? He knew Jack was sensitive in really everything.

He made his way to the kitchen where he found a note. It said; 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that... this may not be something big but, go look in the fridge and cupboard.' Ivan laid the note back down and opened them to see little pieces of paper stuck on the shelves either saying Both, Ivan, or Jack and the same with the cupboard and everything Ivan likes was on the shelves named Ivan.

Ivan walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room where he found abandoned candles, champagne and sushi.

Now Ivan felt worse. His boyfriend went through all this trouble just because he overreact and when Jack tried to give him dinner he just blew him off. Rudely too.

He followed the sounds of soft crying and found Jack in the living room on the couch in his, Ivan's, neglected mess.

"Hey, buddy..." Ivan said quietly. He sat next to Jack and pulled him in his lap. "'M sorry. 'M so sorry." Jack cried. Ivan rubbed his back and told him it's okay.

When he finally got Jack to stop crying he asked; "Now, are you going to come to eat with me or am I not going to eat?" Jack smiled at him and immediately got up and pulled Ivan with him.

They sat down and ate the surprisingly good sushi and drank the champagne. Halfway through Jack stopped. "I'm sorry I called you fat. I didn't mean it..." Jack said. He was unable to make eye contact with Ivan because he knew if he did, he would have cried.

"It's not your fault. I overreacted." Ivan told him. Jack looked up into Ivan's beautiful green eyes as they both leaned in and shared a kiss with one another.

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