You're on fire...

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Sam had a crush on Ryder. Simple. Ryder was hot. Openly bi, too. Sam was gay, closeted — in his mind—, but gay none-the-less.

Fact is, Sam doesn't do well near his crushes... he turns into a fidgeting mess. He's like Yandere-chan from that game his little sister is obsessed with, what was that called? Yandere simulator, was it? But of course he doesn't kill people like Yandere-chan does...

When Sam is in close range of Ryder, he seems to just freeze up. His friends sometimes would joke around saying; "Sam.ex has stopped working" or "Error error, abort mission". Gladly, his friends weren't in most of his classes, but Ryder was.

Now, that would be good, right? Being in the same class as your crush? Yeah, maybe, but not for Sam. Ryder wasn't the keep-to-himself kind of guy, and certainly wasn't the flirt-with-everyone-I-make-eye-contact-with kind of guy. Now, Ryder was a special kind of guy; he was sweet, kind, forgiving, loving, definitely lovable but also dangerous, carefree, doesn't give a fuck kind of guy but he does at the same time.

If Ryder was in almost all of Sam's classes he probably would have told him his feelings for him. But, Ryder was in almost all of his classes. Also, Ryder was popular. And in every movie Sam has ever seen with popular guys, was; they're fuckboys, players, assholes, and didn't care about your feelings. Ryder wasn't like that though, he had told people that he didn't feel the same way about them and didn't be mean about it or be an asshole to them after the fact.

"SAM!" Tyler yelled. Tyler was Ryder's best friend. "What?" Sam exclaimed confusedly. It was no surprise Tyler would suddenly yell out his name, Tyler always done it. Usually, it had something to do with Ryder.

"Okay, so Ryder has a new crush." Tyler huffed. You wouldn't know if he just ran 10 miles or something. "Oh?" Sam said in the 'Oh-Fuck' tone of voice.

"Yes, and what detail I did get out of him, was; it's a boy because he would refer to them as he, he got blond hair, blue eyes, blue and white braces, fair skin, and a really funny sense of humour," Tyler told him. A lot of that did fit Sam, but he didn't know about the sense of humour part...

"And you know, that does sound an awful lot like you." Tyler nudged him. Tyler knew Sam liked Ryder, it was why he kept him updated on him. "But that doesn't mean it is me," Sam told him.

"You're the only goddamn person in this school with blue and white braces," Tyler yelled. Some other students looked over, Sam shook his head and gave them a slight smile. "Since when does he pay that much attention to detail?"

Tyler shrugged. Just as Sam was about to say something else the bell rang. Tyler smiled at him and ran off waving. Sam rolled his eyes, he had home economics. Ryder also had home economics...

Sam groaned and walked to his class.

Apparently, the teacher finally decided that seating arrangements should be made. And also decided that he should make forever partners because apparently, people would only go to their friends. And also decided that Sam and Ryder should be partners.

"Today, we are going to make pancakes, that should be easy for your imbecilic minds." The teacher said. He did not like them. "Umm... sir? Where's the pancake mix?" Ryder questioned.

"Well, since all you ever rely on is already cooked food or the mix for them, I decided to make you cook them from scratch." The teacher spoke almost like a witch came and cursed everyone here.

"How do you do that?!" A random student yelled. The teacher glared at her. "Maybe if you ever tried to use your mind, Rebecca, you'd know." The teacher spat, he was like the mean girls.

"Excuse me, sir? Not many people know how to cook pancakes by scratch..." Sam spoke. The teacher wiped to face him so fast, Sam thought his body was going to drill into the ground. "Do you know how to make pancakes by scratch, Sam?" The teacher growl.

Sam nodded. "Then you got nothing to worry about. Now go!" The teacher yelled. Everyone went to their places.

Ryder stood behind Sam as he watches him pull out flour, eggs, butter and all the other stuff you use to make pancakes. Ryder kinda just stood there awkwardly until he got the pan and spatula.

Sam, had been trying his hardest to not pay attention to Ryder, so far it had been working.

"Umm... how do we make this?" Ryder questioned. "I'll do the mixing and you do the flipping, Okay?" Sam waved him off mindlessly. "Okay?" Ryder replied.

As Sam mixed up the mix, Ryder went ahead to get the other stuff or look like he was doing something, when in reality he was only absently digging through the cupboards.

When the mix was ready, to which Ryder realized and decided to turn the stove on and put the pan on top. Which would be what you do, right? Yeah, it is. But Sam was close to the flames, so when Ryder grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, he froze, leaning against the stove.

As Sam was frozen against the stove, his shirt started to catch on fire. He did not realize that, and for some magical reason, Ryder or anyone else didn't either. It took a moment of plain starring before Ryder realized.

"You're on fire..."

Like breaking out of a trance, Sam came back to reality. He cursed and panicked. Ryder laughed at Sam as he freaked out and put his shirt under the sink.

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