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(Sorry I haven't updated in a while- I'm gonna try and finish up the requests I had back when I had them open- also for anyone who messaged me on here, I see them and I tried replying but my Wattpad tells me I need to verify even though I already did way before but yeah- also why do you even like this? Like I was so bad at writing and almost everything involved crying-)

When your boyfriend (who neither of you actually asked out but instead just agreed when asked if you two were dating-) hands you his EpiPen and grabs a tub of peanut butter you really only have two options accept your boyfriend might be dying today or convince him not to do this- at least when your not here, and for Devon, this seems to be that day.

"I will cry if you die in front of me." Devon said, still perched on the edge of the bed. Now, Devon would cry anyway if his boyfriend died but he preferred it not to be right now.

"Well, I would hope you'd cry." Matt said as he unscrewed to lid from the tub.

"No, wait. Stop. I'll cry like right now. Don't- don't you dare put that in your mouth- like I'm serious." Devon told Matt who was continuing not to listen and was instead shoving the spoon into the jar. Devon came over to where Matt was sat on the floor and proceeded to attempt and pull the jar from his hands.

"I'm not gonna die, baby. You'll save me." Matt sang nonchalantly. As Devon was prying Matt's fingers away from the jar of peanut butter, Matt has decided to give him the jar.

But not the spoon. The spoon that had, in Devon's opinion way too much for a regular person let alone someone who's allergic, peanut butter on.

"No. No. Like actually- Matt stop. No, this like literally isn't funny. Stop." Devon, who is usually your more relaxed guy, maybe even emotionless at some points, was now panicking. For one, his boyfriend is trying to consume the very thing that can kill him and two, he didn't really know how to use an EpiPen, not like he wanted to use it anyway.

"I'll be fine. It's just peanut butter." Matt grinned, waving the spoon closer to his mouth as he spoke.

"'It's just peanut butter'. Yeah! The very thing that could kill you!" Devon mocked in a much higher and louder pitched tone before trying to grab the spoon, which doesn't really work when your boyfriend has much longer and stronger arms than you.

Instead of replying, Matt simply clicked his tongue before whistling out the door. It took a few moments, Devon was still trying to grab the spoon before Trixie hobbled into the room. Trixie was Matt's 12-year-old fat chihuahua.

Well, chihuahua mix. Though neither Matt nor Devon knew what mix, all they knew was she was taller and heavier than your average chihuahua. Also, the vets had told Matt that Trixie was a mix, but he forgot and lost the papers a long time ago.

Devon watched as Matt held the spoon in front of her. Trixie with her tongue always stuck out the left side of her mouth and that both, Devon and Matt, were pretty sure she was cross-eyed made up for one old cute puppy- well one that weighed just over 30 pounds.

Soon after when Trixie had liked the remaining peanut butter from the spoon, Matt laid it on top of the lid that Devon had tried his best to screw on as tightly as he could.

"See? No one died." Matt said as he pulled Devon, who was standing up to get back on the bed, back to the floor with him and laid down on the fuzzy rug together.

"Well, you could've.." Devon pouted. He laid there in Matt's arms for a few minutes before he got bored. "Can we move like onto the bed and cuddle there instead? We can watch Netflix if you want.."

"Sure. But how 'bout we watch that anime called like uh... hi- no, yes- hi.. cue? My sister's been talking about it and I thought maybe you'd like it." Matt said as he wrapped Devon's legs around him to haul him up and carried him to the bed.

"You mean haikyuu, right? It's about volleyball?" Devon suggested. Matt hummed in approval as he scooted up to the mountain of pillows at the top of the bed with Devon still in his arms.

"Avery's been talking about it so much, about someone called Tanaka being her favourite- something like that." Matt said. Devon shifted off of Matt's lap but stayed close and curled into his side.

Matt wrapped his arm around Devon as he turned on the tv and started the first episode.

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