Chapter 6

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"Who is it?" Eliza mouths to Harrington who has his ear pressed up against the door. The duke doesn't reply but continues listening intently. Taking action into her own hands Eliza gets on her knees, and peaks under the crack between floor and door. She suddenly jumps up in alarm and hits him on the arm several times to attract his attention.

"What?" He says confused at her panicked look and wild gestures. Eliza shushes him silently as the voices become clearer and the footfalls louder. He gets to his feet and walks away.

"That's Lady Rosanne and Lord Trippier, they are having an affair!" Eliza whispers frantically pointing to people on the other side of the door.

"So?" He asks.

"What if they come in here?" Eliza whispers urgently.

"Relax, they'll be gone soon." Harrington tries to reassure Eliza but she begins to pace. What if they are found together in a bedroom?! She'd be ruined and her uncle would disown her.

"Sweetie, we don't have time." A woman's voice floats to their ears, high and flirtatious. Eliza suddenly freezes and hits him again pointing to just under the door. The shadow shows that the couple has stopped short of the door, Eliza and Harrington tiptoe backwards.

"Come on, I have missed you." The man places his hand on the doorknob to their room and turns the handle. Eliza chokes and turns her head to the side waiting for the shouts and their discovery resulting in her ruination. Both parties stare, wide-eyed at the door which remains shut.

"They will miss us from the ball darling." Rosanne laughs.

"Hide." Harrington mouths, he searches the small bedroom for a suitable hiding place but there are none, no chests or wardrobe, only a simple single bed and a little table next to it. He lowers onto his knees and lifts up a curtain around the bed. There is just enough room for two people to hide and be covered by this hem. Harrington waves to show Eliza their hiding place, she casts it a resigned and desperate look before nodding. He shuffles under the bed and makes sure the hem conceals him on the right side. Eliza slips under the frame on the left moves so she can't be seen. The cramped space means her head is resting on the duke's shoulder and half of her body overlaps his. They hold their breath and try not to be too aware of the person directly on them.

The door to the bedroom opens, there's a yelp and a person bounces on to the bed, a dip in the mattress cause the two underneath to breath in and avoid contact, the lock clicks.

"I said we haven't the time." Rosanne insists, her voice turning hard and biting.

"We have barely seen each other in a week." Tripper protests. His feet move towards the bed and then there are two bodies on the top and two underneath. Eliza cringes as the wet sound of kissing begins, Harrington feels equally mortified at the what is happening above. The disgusting sounds stop after a few painful moments. Trippier leaves the bed grumbling and his feet wander around.

"What's wrong Rose?" he asks impatiently.

"Richard, there is no easy way to say this, but..." Eliza and Harrington strain to hear her next words, "This is over."

In the dark Eliza lets out a small gasp to which her mouth is immediately covered by a hand. Luckily Trippier's exclamation drowned her out.

"Over, are you insane?" He shouts, "We are in love."

"We aren't in love; we just lacked a lover in our marriages." Rosanne says sadly, "I feel as my husband is dying, I should devote more time to him." She tries to explain.

"I will not allow this to end!" Trippier yells at her.

There are scuffles and the sound of skin on skin contact. Rosanne lets out a whimper of pain.

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