Chapter 41

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The horses walk slowly away from Mirabelle's house. Eliza waits until they are quite a way away from the house before she speaks.

"What is the actual story then?"

"What do you mean?" Jasper looks over at her.

"Well, Mirabelle told one story, what's the other?"

He rolls his eyes and is silent for a moment. "She told truth for the most part. We did grow up together as children, our parents did arrange a marriage between us which was to happen when Mirabelle turned 16. I left England two years before that time, with James and we joined the king's army." He pauses and sighs. "I came back a few times and I did bring her gifts from my travels on my father's insistence. He was greatly in favour of the match for reasons I still do not know. When he died I felt no obligation to for fill the agreement and when I returned, a year before I met you, I was informed she was married happily and have not thought of her since."

"But you grew up together?" Eliza says confused,

"My childhood is a period of time I would rather forget," Jasper says shortly, he switches the conversation round to her. "Tell me about your sister."

She tilts her head to look at him.

"What was she like?" He says softly.

Eliza smiles sadly, "Her name was Eloise, she was an angel, prettier than me, with a fairer temperament. She was the perfect lady, elegant and talented. My mother doted on her and provided her with all the equipment to succeed in society while I was left to fight with swords and climb trees. I loved her more than anything, she was my best friend." Eliza laughs wryly, "She would have made a better wife than I."

"You must miss her."

"Everyday I see something that reminds me of her." Her eyes glaze over with grief.

Jasper reaches across and takes her hand. Eliza looks at his warm kind face.

"Tis odd to think that if she was alive how different things would have been."

"There is no happiness in looking behind when your future is waiting," Jasper comments bluntly.

"You speak as if you know more than you reveal."

"My father wasn't a good man, he craved power and as you know he manipulated all around him, including my mother. I stood by while he ruined my family, his death was a relief and I felt no guilt in the satisfaction upon hearing of his death." His words are so bitter that Eliza winces. "His blood runs through my veins and I curse his ver

"You are afraid."

Jasper whips his head around sharply, his expression is stony.

"You are afraid you are like your father." Eliza realises, "You are hash to people to stop them from seeing what you see."

"You do not understand." He cuts her off.

"I do." Eliza insists. "Do you not think that I worry about becoming my mother, the type of woman that abandons their only child. There is a constant fear I will wake up one day and I will be my mother." Her voice has become more emotional. "But I think the fear of becoming our parents make us not like them at all."

Jasper looks at her, contemplating what she has said, he opens his mouth to speak but he notices the town in front of him.

"We are here." He clicks his horse on faster. They have entered the north side of Oxford. The light cobbled streets are lined with family-owned shops and businesses. The air seems to be cleaner than in London and the atmosphere more bright, people stop to chat with friends and most seem content. Jasper takes the main high street down towards the public-house, people recognise him and the whisper and point. He seems oblivious to the stares and continues his path. Eliza steers her horse closer to his.

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