Chapter 45

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"I wager I can throw this grape into the air and catch it in my mouth." Eliza declares holding said grape aloft. The sun shines high in the sky unusual for an autumn afternoon, their horses paw the ground, tied to a nearby chestnut tree.

"I doubt it," Jasper says amused, she raises her eyebrows and tosses the grape in the air, it sails in a high arc before falling neatly into her open mouth, she smiles in her victory.

"Well, that is a wasted talent," Jasper says sarcastically, she laughs and shuffles her sitting position on the blanket. He reaches into the picnic basket and pulls out bottles of ginger beer and lemonade, wrapped up sausage rolls and pork pies, fresh bread, and baked ham. The spend time eating food and discussing literature, art, and science. The sinks lower on the horizon but the air is humid and sticky.

"Did you call on Mirabelle?" He asks.

"I forgot." She says which is partly true, Jasper doesn't believe her however but he doesn't argue.

"It is of no matter, I have had Lewin drop an invitation before we left."

Eliza groans and does a dramatic fall onto the blanket, she stares up at the clear sky and breathes in the warm air.

"It's really warm." She complains.

Jasper chuckles and lies down next to her, he laces his hand through hers and turns his face to her. She looks over at him and their noses are almost touching. He brushes a strand of hair away from her face.

"How did I get so lucky?" He whispers, smiling.

"You were an interfering arse," Eliza replies honestly.

"Always." He fires back, he kisses the tip of her nose and sits up an idea in mind.

"What are you doing?" She complains as he gets to his feet and offers a hand to her.

"Having fun." "I am having fun down here." She grumbles, rolling over onto her stomach and ignoring his hand. Jasper tuts from behind but she takes no notice, he bends down, she yelps like a little dog as his strong arms thread under her stomach and lifts her over his shoulder.

"It's remarkable how small you actually are once you remove the attitude." He comments as he carries her down the hill.

"It's remarkable how much of an arse you still are after I married you." Eliza shoots back, she waits for a reply but she doesn't hear one. She wonders why he has backed down but before she can ask him she is flying through the air like a less graceful swan and landing with a smack in a small pond. She splutters as she resurfaces. Jasper is howling with laughter at her murderous expression.

"You said it was warm." He reminds her.

She glares at him for a bit but then swims around the pond splashing water as he follows her path. She floats in the water and wades between the algae on the rocky bed until she reaches the edge. She approaches Jasper, shivering. He smiles as she stands in front of him, her habit is drenched and her hair, a sopping mess. She looks up at him and too late he spots a gleam of mischief in her eyes. Eliza throws her arms around his neck and jumps onto him like a limpet. Luckily he is strong enough to not fall under her sudden weight but he does feel his clothes begin to become wet from her body.

"Is this your revenge?" He asks her amused.

"No," She frowns.

"I found it most amusing." He says lightly. Humming, Eliza drops back onto the floor and begins to undo the laces at the back of her saturated dress, she steps out of it and lays in on the grass

"What are you doing?" He cries, looking around for anyone spying on them.

"I am wet." She says obviously. "My dress will dry in the sun."

"So you are going to walk around in public in your underclothes?"

"You are the only one here." She points out. Jasper shakes his head and shrugs his shirt off. Eliza quickly looks away.

"Put this on." He says. "Then you can lay the rest of your clothes out to dry."

"Are you sure?" She asks taking the shirt.

"It's a nice day." He shrugs and his undershirt shifts upwards revealing a band of tanned skin.

"Not that nice." She contradicts but pulls the shirt over her clothes, she manoeuvres her arms out of the sleeves and it drops down her body.

"Thank you." She pops a kiss on his cheek. He sweeps her up into his arms and carries her up the hill to their picnic.

"You've left my dress." She giggles as he places her on the blanket. He fake sighs and marches to get it. She watches him go and a warm feeling of contentedness settles on her. She opens a bottle of ginger beer and smiles as he lays her dress down by her and takes the bottle she offers him. Eliza pulls him down next to her.

"Do you want children?" She asks. Jasper's eyes widen and fall to her stomach.

"Are you...?" He asks slowly, panic rises in his eyes.

"No, no." She interrupts quickly, "I am just wondering whether you have thought about it."

He sighs visibly and relaxes "I doubt I'd be a good father."


"Becuase of my father..."

"You can't use your father," Eliza says standing up. "Your father may have hurt you and ruined your childhood, he's dead and I am sorry, but you cannot use him as an excuse."

"Eliza you are crossing a line." He warns.

"I am your wife!" She says angrily. "And every time I ask you a personal question you bring up your father, he doesn't control who you are or what you do."

She sighs, kneels down in front of him and places a hand on his cheek.

"I love you Jasper and nothing that scares you or worries you is going to change that. You might worry about becoming a father or the things you have to deal with but you have me and I will be here and no matter how slowly it goes, we are going to do it together."

"You love me?" Jasper says.

"Of course I do," Eliza says. He stares at her in wonder.

"My father said never to let your heart rule your head so I closed it off." He hangs his head, "I may have taken that advice too literally."

"Maybe." Eliza chuckles quietly. "Shall we go home?"

"We do need to get ready for Mirabelle anyway." He agrees. Eliza groans but picks up her slightly dryer dress and underclothes, she pulls them on and tosses his shirt back to him.

"This is unfortunate." Jasper says catching his shirt, "I liked you in my shirt."

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