Chapter 9

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Captain gallops down towards a stone house tucked in by hills. The creamy marble of the pillars out front are polished to gleaming and they support an elaborate roof of stone. A man with a wispy beard appears from the side as Eliza brings her horse to a stop. She jumps down and gathers the reins in a hand. The house is really nice but it wasn't as fancy or large as Eliza thought Harrington would own. Its beauty is within is simplicity.

"Hello." Eliza leads Captain to the man. " Is this Duke Harrington's house?"

"Yes ma'am, would you like me to inform him you have arrived?" He asks cheerfully.

"No that's all right but can you stable my horse?" Eliza passes to reins over to him, "Thank you."

"Just go through the main foyer and then take a left and you'll reach his study, he should be around there." The man says stroking Captain's neck lovingly, Captain is incredibly picky about who touches him, Eliza is the only one he let's brush him and yet he seems happy with this man.

Eliza nods her thanks and walks over stones to the main door. She pulls the door open and slips inside. The foyer is not well lit and it smells rather musky like it hasn't been cleaned in a while. Paintings of various men and women adorn the walls, the odd candle stutters in a hold. Eliza follows the man's instructions, not lingering in the creepy hall and winds up in front of a door that must hide the study. Eliza places a hand on the handle to go inside but the sound of gaily laughter stops her from opening the door. The sound comes from further down the corridor and is high pitched and feminine. Did the duke have a sister? Or is it his mother? Or someone else? Eliza curses herself that she knows almost nothing about Harrington.

She tiptoes down the carpeted floor and stops when she reaches a door that is partially open. The laughing comes from inside, Eliza's mind wrestles with the choice. She could peak for just a second or go back to the library. Giving in to her curiosity she crouches down onto her knees and takes a quick look inside. Harrington sits on a chaise lounge next to the notorious whore of the ton, Isabella Cavendish. Eliza places both hands over her mouth to cover the sob that escapes as her stomach plummets. Her heart pounds painfully, a tear rolls down her cheek.

Married to a man 23 years her senior Isabella slept around with many men and found her living by being a mistress to several politicians before her marriage. Now she entraps rakes and wandering husbands into her vile hands. Even though she isn't fond the duke Eliza's heart broke a little at seeing him so comfortable with a woman like that. Or is it because it isn't her? Eliza frowns at that thought.

She risks another peak and Isabella is practically in Harrington's lap, her hands all over him. The dress reveals more than a nightdress, her face is painted perfectly and her red hair spills around her seductively. She is walking temptation to men, experienced but young and very pretty.

"Are you all right ma'am?" The man from the yard stands with a tray holding two drinks. Eliza jumps to her feet in fright.

"I..." She panics

The door opens fully and Harrington stands there, his eyes register her presence in surprise. Not wanting to be caught Eliza runs back down the corridor and towards the front door. Harrington dashes out of the parlour and gives chase.

Yanking the door open she sprints down the steps and frantically looks around for Captain.

"Eliza!" Harrington shouts her name as she searches for her horse. She doesn't look back as she takes off around the side of the house to the stables. Captain is tied to a post outside the stable door, his head picks up when he hears his mistress running towards him.

"Nuh uh." Harrington reaches her side before she can mount, he lifts her from behind and spins her around. He places Eliza on the floor and she spits hair from her mouth.

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