Chapter Three:Close or Questions

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I am at home I grab my phone and I grab a pack of cigarettes and walk out the door with my phone and cigarettes in my pocket. I get in my car and drive off I look at my phone driving off. I start to speed up past the speed limit . I push down on the gas pedal with

the music on loud and I drive off going down the road. I hear my phone ring I pick it up glance at it real quick I press the call button as I call Ashton.

Ashton picks up "Hey."

"Hey Ashton good news." I hold my phone to my ear.

"What?" Ashton responds.

"I got her number ." I drive to a stop sign and I slow down slowly to a stop.

"Fuck yeah now we need to celebrate!" Ashton yells into the phone.

I pull the phone back placing it on my leg pressing the speakerphone button . "Fuck yeah it was so fucking easy also!"

"what did you do to get it so fast?" Ashton is asking curiously.

I grin at myself "want to meet me somewhere to eat and then we can talk about it." I respond.

"Okay sure where at?" He questions me.

I pause for a moment thinking of places to eat.

"Meet me at the new Japanese place that just opened I will be there see you soon."


I hand up the phone sitting it on my lap again and placing my hand on the leather steering wheel.

I drive and I drive into the streets with many cars. I finally reach the road that the restaurant is.

I pull up in the parking lot and park. I walk into the restaurant I get a buzzer. I walk back with the buzzer in my hand I look at the door watching for my friend. I hear the door open while I am on my phone on the booth waiting for a table I look up and I see Ashton I wave him over.

"I got us a table the waitress said it would be a couple minutes til we get a table." I look at him and shrug.

"Okay that is fine anyways I am here to talk business."

Before I got to respond what is in my head the buzzer in my hand vibrates. I stand up "Well it is time to get a table."

We both walk up to the waitress handing her the buzzer.

"Follow me." The waitress grabbing two menus walking off walking us to a booth.

We sit in the booth and the waitress stands there. "Your waiter will be here soon."

I nod at her then she walks off. I then look at Ashton. "So are you ready for the news? It is not big news so don't get too excited."

Ashton rolls his eyes "Okay so if it isnt big why are you dragging it out." He smirks at me.

"It isnt big just asking anyways I got Everlynn's number."

"Wow that was fast how did you get her number so fast?" He ask me.

"I have my ways." I wink "You know i am the sexy one in the gang."

"Oh lord please tell me there is another way out of this conversation." Ashton shakes his head.

"No you wanted to know this and this was your task that you gave me I am just playing the game as you please." I look at him with a smirk "Look you wanted me to have fun right?"

We both are looking at the menu he nods "Yes that was the deal okay do it your way."

The menus are in front of us at the table I open the menu begin to look at the burgers . "So with this girl Everlynn I think it is going to be easy to get her in bed she seems like a sweetheart type of person and you know how they are." I up at him for a moment.

Deceitful GameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora