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hey mike. it's me.

You've been gone for what, is it going on six months now? I miss you a whole lot. Everyone misses you a lot. Especially Holly. She's been a wreck, mike. We've all been wrecks.

You were my first everything. First kiss, first boyfriend, first time. God, I miss your curly hair and your hugs. I'm crying, but don't worry, I'm okay. *unintelligible writing*

I had to start on a new line cause of the teardrops. 

Your watch stopped working, and I haven't had the heart to have someone fix it. I have't taken it off since you but it on. The time's on 3:15, just as school lets out.

The group misses you too. After your funeral, we made a pillow fort and cried together. Even Max is a wreck, and I know you two didn't exactly get along that well.

Dad's in jail for your murder. A nice cop named Jim Hopper decided to adopt me before I could be entered in the system. You would have liked him. He's a bad dancer too. I tried to teach him how to get better, but he's stubborn. I would have loved introducing you.

I know, I know, you died six months ago and you told me I should move on. But I don't think I'm ready just yet. You saved me Mike. And I don't think anyone else can ever live up to your standards.

Hopper, the chief, said when I'm old enough, I can get a tattoo. I remember one time, you told me offhandedly that you always thought getting your soulmate's initials tattooed on was the ultimate form of love. I'm planning in getting M.W. behind my ear.

I miss you so much Mikey. I really do. You're always and forever going to be my protecter, whether I need to be protected or not.

I love you so much Micheal Ted Wheeler. So fucking much.

Goodbye, mike. I love you.

your darling Ellie  <3

your darling Ellie  <3

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