Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV:

A loud moan escaped my lips.


"Does it hurt?"

"Push just a little more" I groaned before he finally released.

Jimin gingerly moved his hands off of my back and I immediately sat up straight. We were stretching in the practice room.

"Can you guys stretch normally please" Namjoon snickered in the corner. Jin had his hands over a confused Taehyung's ears. Jimin and I looked at each other questionably.

"But we were ?" I thought out loud. Jimin took off the snapback he was wearing and tossed it at Namjoon who, surprisingly, caught it in his left hand.

"Aish stop thinking like that"

"How can I when all I hear is 'J-Jimin'" Namjoon let out a loud moan mockingly. The eldest immediately smacked the back of his head and ushered the other members who were all laughing behind the door along. My face instantly heat up when I finally understood what they were talking about.

"Hyung" I whined.

"So Jungkook how was your little date with (y/n) yesterday" Namjoon leaned against the doorway. A smirk dancing across his full lips. Jimin, who was in the middle of walking towards the door, froze in his tracks. My heart sped up and I had to quickly think of something.

"It wasn't a date I was just helping her out with a dance she was confused on" I cleared up. It wasn't a lie it was the truth. That was the whole reason I stayed back. Because I'm a nice person not because there were any other feelings involved. Right?

"Thats not what the janitor told me" Namjoon winked.

Damn it

"Wait I can explain that too" My eyes went wide but it was too late. Namjoon didn't want to hear anymore of it. Instead of listening, he waved me off.

"Wonder what would've happened if the janitor hadn't interrupted" He sang, finally walking off while twirling Jimin's snapback on his finger. Speaking of Jimin, he was still standing in the same spot he froze in at the beginning.

"Hey Jungkook can we talk for a second"

"Y-yeah of course"

I don't know why I was so nervous. He just simply wanted to talk. But for some reason I couldn't help but feel anxious because a small part of me already knew what it probably was about. Jimin moved to sit onto the bench and gestured for me to come near him. He didn't seem mad, more so stressed. This made me curious.

"Hey so about (y/n)" He began slowly as I finally stood in front of him rather than sitting down. He looked up at me and made eye contact.

"Do you like her?"

His gaze was serious and I squirmed a little under the intense stare. His question didn't really shock me, I knew it was coming sooner or later. It was obvious he was also possessive over this girl. But the thing is, do I like her? I thought that I didn't but now I don't know. This whole time it felt like I've been trying to convince myself I didn't like her when in reality I've been unsure. I'll admit she has been growing on me and I can't deny the overwhelming feeling I had yesterday at our closeness. Not to mention that other feeling I've been feeling more and more lately. Especially that one night. I'm still not sure of what it could be. Maybe it is possible I like her.

"Why does it matter" I calmly said, evening his gaze. This was a much better statement to reply with rather than flat out saying I do and getting him fired up.

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