Part 24

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No matter how many times his brain reminded him of her betrayal, he could not bring himself to refuse her request; blame it on the way she had phrased her request or the way honesty gleamed in her eyes unchanged through all the years, reminiscent of the woman he had fallen for.

"Sure. You may accompany me," replied Arnav, looking at the ground as Rati nodded with a slight sad smile playing on her lips.

Arnav and Rati turned to their respective lawyers to inform that an emergency has come up and they would not be able to attend the court proceedings. They also instructed their managers to write an official letter to the court to convey their regret for not being able to make it to the hearing. Rati had called for her chartered plane to be ready as early as possible.

"Your car or mine?" she asked, making him look up at her once again.

"I don't think I am in the condition to drive," he answered, the conflict of myriads of emotions wrecking havoc on his senses and sanity. On one hand, fear of losing Khushi and being unable to complete her wish tormented him but on the other hand Rati's pain and her love became more and more obvious to him, in a way he had never known.

"I will drive. No problem at all," she said, pulling the keys from her pocket and guiding him towards the parking.

The journey to the airport was a quiet one but both of them were painfully aware of the fact that it might be the last time their life-partner would be their travel companion but the contrast lied in the fact that Rati felt as light as Arnav felt the burden on his heart to be.

Arnav was lost in his thoughts that he did not alight when they had reached their destination. Rati turned to look at him as tears threatened to fall out of her eyes. She gently placed her palm over his hand to bring his attention to herself.

"Don't worry, it will go perfectly fine. The child and the mother both will be in perfect health and we will also reach in time," she assured, smiling after what seemed like ages to Arnav. There had been articles that the top model Rati Agarwal Raizada had been depressed and stoic over the months and Arnav had seen for himself that the articles were cent percent true as the once breath-taking beauty had completely lost her pallor and looked every bit of broken she was.



"Khushi, are you mad? You know that this is a great risk, isn't it? You are a doctor yourself, how can you ask us to do something like this?" questioned Geeta furiously. She had called up Rachna, who was in Shillong for about a week for Khushi, and had asked her to join in the operation because she was aware that Khushi's demands are going to put her in a dilemma which could be resolved only by Rachna.

"I am doctor and that is why I know that the risk associated is not as high as we think it is. You think a mother will willingly take such a risk?" spat Khushi in between her sobs and the gasps of pain as the wave of contractions took over her body.

Geeta sighed in disappointment at Khushi's views and arguments.

"Then what about our ethics? The oath we have taken?" she asked, rubbing Khushi's hands to keep her warm and sentient lest she loses her consciousness.

"The oath says that our patient's wellbeing is our prime concern and my peace and well-being lies in doing what I had requested you, Geeta. Trust me, somethings are beyond our control and such complicated situations call for complicated solutions too," she whispered, her throat dry with the screaming and yelling arising from the labor pain.

"So be it. If you are so firm about this then let us go ahead with this. But you will have to take the complete responsibility of anything that may happen," warned Geeta, instructing the nurse to the restock the injection mentioned by Khushi along with the general hormone injected during labor - oxytocin.

Khushi nodded her approval. "I will sign the required documents once I deliver but I will not let you face any trouble, legal or otherwise, due to this," she assured as Geeta nodded, the signs of irritation still visible in her eyes.


Hospital Lobby,

After eight hours of journey, Arnav had finally managed to reach the hospital in Shillong along with Rati.

"Aunty, how is Khushi? What are the doctors saying?" questioned Arnav, as soon as he saw Swati waiting in the lobby outside the labor room. Rati's mind clicked when she heard the name of the surrogate but she shrugged it thinking that there are scores of people with the same name.

"The water has broke and contractions are strong. But she has not delivered yet," answered Swati, looking at Rati intently for any signs of malice but she was proven wrong when she found genuine concern and affection floating in her eyes.

"Eight hours of contractions and she has not delivered yet? That's a bit.." Rati trailed off, unable to find the proper word to describe the situation, and looked at the closed doors of labor room.

"She is waiting for you, maybe that's why she had not delivered yet. Maybe due to some hormones or injections or maybe just with sheer mental determination," answered Swati, as Arnav nodded at her and walked towards the labor room to join Khushi to erase her pain.

"I didn't think that you will bring him here. It takes a lot of will to take your husband to someone who is delivering his child," mused Swati, eyeing Rati who stared at Arnav's retreating back.

"Not will, Aunty, it takes love, and I think I have had it for him since years," she answered, her eyes trailing Arnav's path sadly.

"Thank you for not letting me down, Rati. I had expected the same from you," replied Swati, cupping Rati's shoulder affectionately in a maternal manner.

The emotional upheaval inside the room was as high as it was outside. The moment the door clicked open to reveal Arnav Singh Raizada, Khushi Gupta felt her soul lighten and her worries lessening miraculously.

"Arnav..." she whispered, tears flowing out of hers eyes both due to pain of delivery and happiness of seeing her love.

"Sorry for being late, love. I will be by your side now, always," he vowed, clutching her hand in between his rough ones and caressing her forehead lovingly after planting a kiss against her partition.

"Finally you came, Arnav. I just want you to know that if this is the last thing I will be doing, let our child know that I have loved the baby, and I will love you forever."


I am sorry if the labor room details are wrong! Please VOTE and COMMENT!

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