11 - Now We've Got Bad Blood

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Our little Northlake War had started bright and early Tuesday morning

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Our little Northlake War had started bright and early Tuesday morning. I was simply getting ready for first period when I got hit with water balloons by douche-tastic jocks.

So, I walked into first period dripping with water. People always said I was dripping with good looks.

Then Wednesday happened, and Wednesday my locker was somehow jammed. Thursday then followed, and so did the fact that I sported mystery meatloaf on my favorite hoodie.

Burnt orange and brown processed meat do not compliment each other by the way.

It was now Friday and I had just about reached my breaking point, but I didn't show it. Every time I was hit with misfortune I simply just kept a smile on my face, the smiles being so forced I think I'm prematurely wrinkling.

It wasn't actually just Friday, it was Friday night. And the thing that scared me was the fact that today had gone swell, too swell.

The fact that nothing has gone wrong to me gets me worried, that probably means my life is a bit fucked up. I'm on my toes, you never know when Bitchy Beatrice could come and attack with her fake nails.

When I say I'm on my toes, walking on ice... I truly mean it. Today Kyle sneaked up on me as a surprise and I almost poked his right eye out with a freshly sharpened pencil.

I apologized; he called me insane, and so on.

School went by incredibly slow, another thing that made me anxious.

And now it was six p.m. and I was about to break down.

Tonight was 'Flashback Northlake Friday' at our football game tonight; this game was one of the biggest of the season. The game would be free for people who decide to dress up as a decade, I chose the eighties this year.

I had my hair teased into a high ponytail, workout yoga pants, a bright shirt with a brighter sports bra under, a fanny pack, and leg warmers.

I looked good, too good for me to be shredded by Beatrice's fake nails or ganged up on.

Before I could convince myself not to attend the game I hear the sound of a honk bring me out of my thoughts.

I run downstairs and out the door, falling in the backseat of Kyle's truck.

"Hello, Kaudra," I say as I put on my seat belt, safety first children.

I see Kyle roll his eyes from the rearview mirror and Audra turns her head and gives me a look, can't help but notice her cheeks are tinted a pink hue.

They're so cute, can they get married already? Do matchmakers get brownie points for getting a couple married in two weeks?

"Hello, Orion. Where's closet slash greenhouse hottie?" he asks, looking at me by the mirror.

"Busy," I answer, hoping he'll drop the subject.

Where was Eros? I never really knew. Maybe he was off on a date with some Greek goddess that looks like Aphrodite and is ten times better looking than me and makes him smile with his adorable dimples and makes him happy and whom he buys ice cream for all the time and who he isn't a jackass to and makes his nonexistent heartbeat and-

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