16 - Falling for You

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He really meant it when he said he didn't want to see me anymore

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He really meant it when he said he didn't want to see me anymore.

He didn't pick me up for school like usual, sit next to me in class, or tell me how much of an idiot I was.

In fact, he didn't even come to school anymore.

I had this small hope that the night on the rooftop was some dream, that he hadn't let me into his barrier just to cut me entirely off.

But, it wasn't a dream. I even slapped myself ten times after it all happened to see if I was dreaming...

I thought him being gone would be sad, just plain sad because we were becoming friends or something.

Whatever we were can I say that being ostracized from him sucks ... It hurts.

I was beginning to miss his sarcastic remarks, emotionless expression, and dimples.

I hadn't matched a couple since also, I saw a few people I thought were a match but didn't act on the matters. I simply just stared from afar and trudged on.

Mrs. Devine noticed my melancholy and Eros absence, Kyle and Audra took note of it also, and so did Ellie.

I hadn't talked to Ellie in a while and if I continued to let myself go I wouldn't have Ellie at all.

I dismissed any of her attempts to talk to me and cut her off, she like the good person she is would just let me be.

I was in a pit of despair, anxiety, and plain confusion due to a certain smart-mouthed diaper boy.

I promised myself that I'd never shed unnecessary tears on a boy, and yet I was just about to.

I didn't think isolation would be so bad, my non-beating heart however thought so. This was my own sort of hell and I couldn't figure out why.

It wasn't a total shock he walked out on me, that he wanted space. I knew the moment would come, I just didn't expect the moment to come so soon.

I would have liked a heads up, something other than him letting me in just to be kicked back out.

He was such a douche for putting me on this emotional roller coaster, or Mother Nature was.

I thought I'd never say this but I miss him.

I wasn't 'beginning' I was wholeheartedly (hah) missing him even if I didn't want to.

I hate him for putting me through this.

If I do see him sometime the first thing I'll surely do is knee him in his family jewels due to the anxiety he's caused.

In some way him not being present in my daily life has given myself a void I don't desire.

It's gotten to the point where I've been going downhill in schoolwork also; who knew one jerk could impact my life so much.

Wherever he was I wanted to find him, or for him to come back and tell me he was joking when he said we shouldn't see each other.

Tell me it was some twisted sarcastic joke so I won't be so uneasy for unknown reasons.

I was wondering and worrying so much about him and yet I doubt he was worried about me. After all, I'm just his petty apprentice he needs space from.

But, what if I told him I didn't want the space...

That some small part of me wanted to get to know him better and help him find his heart.

What if I told him I thought my non-beating heart may have felt pained by him walking away?

And I couldn't figure out as to why.

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