'OLD' October 31st 1981

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Once there lived a family of four in a small cottage. This cottage was in Godric's Hollow. The family living inside was a happy family but there was always fear. Always. Outside there was a war going on and they lived in fear that someone would find them and kill them, this was true because at that very moment outside stood the opposition leader, or the Dark Lord waiting for the moment to strike, his servant had become the secret keeper of this family but hadn't told him the whereabouts, he was only told that they resided in Godric's Hollow. Of course, the family didn't know that he was there biding his time. For on the inside of the house two baby boys were watching their parents and uncles use spells that would light the room up bedazzling them. However, when their uncles left and their parents stopped using magic they became upset. The eldest child didn't complain as he was tired. His brother however was crying his eyes out, upset that they all were leaving not understanding that they needed to rest so that they would have replenished what little energy they had at the end of the day. Although they didn't know what would happen that very night. They didn't know that their small family would be torn apart and they would favour one and the other would be given away. They didn't know that they had been given away and their very lives were at stake. No one knew what would happen that night, except for this mans follower's, the people who took on his mark and swore him eternal loyalty, they were waiting in a special location to celebrate the downfall of their enemies. They didn't know that the world would be blown to pieces on this night. Then the mans servant came and told his lord where his lord's enemies were. The house came into view and the man walked to the door and blew it to pieces. Meanwhile inside as the door burst open the wife's husband said, "Lily take the boys and run, I'll hold him off. The man was too powerful and quickly sent a stunner and walked up to the nursery. Where the woman 'Lily as he had heard' was whispering to the children and telling them she loved them. So he quickly sent another stunner at the woman and thought 'which one of you is the child to defeat me' of course he looked at the two boys who were said to be twins not identical of course, one had fiery red hair and hazel eyes whereas the other boy had dark brown hair and green eyes. The redhead was crying while his brother just stared at him defiantly. Now this wicked man knew exactly who was the boy that was prophesied to defeat him. So the man raised his wand and pointed it at the child who he believed would be his downfall and said the words "Avada Kedavra" and he watched as the curse hit the boy and bounced off him and headed straight for him. Then as fell feeling pain as he was torn from his body left as a wraith. Then someone entered the house and revived the man who had tried to protect his family, then revived his wife.
This family, was the Potter family. As of that moment they went to Dumbledore, who was in his office.
"Ah, James, Lily, what brings you here at this hour," Dumbledore asked. "It's Voldemort, he's been defeated by one of the twins,"James replied. "Well, may I have a look," Lily handed the boys to Dumbledore who examined them carefully and passed them back while saying that Charlie was the one who vanquished the Dark Lord. Dumbledore didn't know that he had just made that biggest mistake of his life. Then James asked what would happen to Harry, Charlie's older brother. Dumbledore suggested that Harry not stay in the wizarding world where he would become jealous of his brother's fame and why he was overlooked, Dumbledore said that he should be given to Lily's sister because Harry would learn some humility that way and that when they got him back they could explain why they gave him away in hopes that he would understand. Lily of course didn't want his son to be given away to her sister knowing that he would never consider them family after what they were thinking about doing and knowing that he wouldn't be treated right.
Although in the end she gave up because she knew that the sudden fame would be overwhelming.

So that night Dumbledore set out to No.4 Privet Drive with a letter and a child wrapped in blankets and left him on the doorstep of that terrible house. After Dumbledore left there came another man muttering "I cannot let an old fool's mistakes to continue, I must take this child to where he will be loved and cared for, he will need to train longer than most for his magic will be unstable should he stay here." So this man whose name was Merlin took the child to the past, he landed in Hogwarts, in front of the four most powerful people he knew knowing that this child would be loved.

In The Past at Hogwarts

"Merlin! is that a baby? Helga asked looking at the child.

"Yes his name is Harry Potter, he was abandoned by his family because they believed that his twin defeated the darkest lord in the history of the future," Merlin replied.

"He needs to be cared for because otherwise he won't survive in the future. His magic would have gone wild and destroyed the world, he has a godfather and I will keep that link open so that he knows that he has someone who will help him in his own time," Merlin explained

"You understand what I am asking of you correct?" he asked.

"You want us to take care of the child?" Salazar asked.

"How long for?"Rowena asked.

"Will you be back?"Godric asked.

"Yes Salazar I want the four of you to take care of little Harry, until I get back and am able to help, and yes I will be back,"Merlin answered.

"When I come back I will bring some friends to help teach Harry,"Merlin said.

The Next Day *the future*

Sirius POV

I had just found out that my best friends had been attacked by Voldemort so I was going to go see them and make sure that my Godson was alright along with Charlie. I knew that Lily and James had survived so I wanted to check up on the twins. What I learned shocked me. My godfather bond with Harry was stretched thin, but I knew he was alive, that mattered to me.


"Siri, how are you, we were going to ask you to come so that we could sit down and talk,"James said.

"James, where's Harry? I need to know that he's alright and that he wasn't harmed during the attack."

"Siri, he's not here we took the twins for a check up and Harry's core had no magic, he's a squib," James lied.

"You know that I would have kept him regardless of that, so I ask you again, where's Harry?" Sirius asked clearly upset.

"We gave him to the Dursley's, if somehow by chance Harry does regain his magic we've asked that Petunia let us know and we'll go get him.


At the moment I was going to go ahead and claim my lordship and get Remus who was waiting at Grimmauld Place.

Well that's the first chapter for this book done, please leave comments, I need feedback, also I will update my other books when I get the chance, I haven't been on wattpad for some time because I've been working on some other projects for school and for when I'm bored so please bare with me I will get the chapters out. Also as to those who have been asking for an update my computer broke down so it may take a while.
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