'OLD' Diagon Alley pt 2 and platform 9 and 3/4

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Harry's POV
I stood still in shock, I was rich, I knew I would be but I didn't know that I was the heir to the Peverell's that was an ancient family, the brothers Antioch, Cadmus and Ignotus, they were the three brothers in the story of the Deathly Hallows, I met them once when they visited the school.


"Harry I would like you to meet the Peverell Brothers," said Salazar.

"Hello young one, I am Antioch, and these are my brothers Cadmus and Ignotus," Antioch told him.

"My name is Harry Potter, I've lived here since I was 1 and a 1/2. It's so much fun, are you staying here or just visiting?" Harry asked.

"We are just visiting, but maybe we might see each other again someday," Cadmus had said.

"Oh, okay then well I need to get back to my work, otherwise I won't get to go flying later," Six-year-old Harry had said.


"I would like to visit the closest vault to collect my money to pay for my school supplies," I explained.

" There's no need for that, we will give you a vault card, it will allow you to pay for your purchases without needing to go down to your vault, all you need to do is place three drops of blood on the card and it will have your information on it," Griphook told him.

"I have multiple vaults so how do I know which vault the money is going out of?" I asked.

"All you need to do is think of the vault number and the money will be transferred," Griphook said.

So Harry left with his newly acquired card and went to Madam Malkins to get his robes, where he saw another boy being fitted.

He walked over to the boy and said
"You're going to Hogwarts too right?"

"Of course, my father wanted to send me to Durmstrang but mother wanted me close to home, what's your name?"

"My name is Harry James Potter, unfortunately, I have the pleasure of being related to the Potters," I said.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, heir to the Ancient House of Malfoy, are you the heir of any houses?"

"I am the heir to the Ancient and Noble houses of Potter and Black," I stated.

"Two houses?!"

"Well more but I'm the lord of those and they shouldn't be said in public as people wouldn't believe me," I explained.

"Are you the supposedly missing Potter twin then? We've all heard stories but nothing that proves it," Draco told me.

"I was abandoned by the Potters and was placed in the muggle world, of course, I have an eidetic memory so I remember everything which makes it worse," I said.

"Wow, I didn't think the Potters could get worse," he drawled.

"Have you already gotten everything else?" he asked me.

"Yeah, I don't need anything else."

A/N: Harry already has all his stuff because he used the exact same things in the past, but different recipes for potions and there were more classes in the past as well. Plus he already knows the curriculum by heart because he's done more advanced stuff, potions and defense are his favourite subjects and he likes dueling, and he's created spells and potions which will be introduced throughout the book, through flashbacks and also use of his work. Sorry guys for taking all this space up but it needed to be said.

At that very moment, the Potters burst in and I made sure to get the premium set of the Hogwarts uniform and also took extra sets of the uniform and bought them made of black unicorn fur which was the best material and most expensive but it made sure that the charms wouldn't wear off because the spells were woven into the material.

"Harry, that is the Premium material, we always get the standard material, you will need to change it." 'Dad' told me

"I'll stick with the Premium thanks, and I have the money to pay for it," I said to the shop assistant.

After paying for my robes I went and made sure that I had all my stuff for the year and all my extra materials for self-study since I already know what we'll be doing this year.

Then I went to Florean Fortescue's Ice cream parlour and had a vanilla ice cream.

My 'parents' had told me we would be staying at the Leaky Caldron so I made my way over there and asked for a room, when I got inside I immediately went into my trunk and got out my journal.

+Hello everyone+

+Harry! how was the first couple hours in the future, has anything changed?+

+A lot's changed, the uniform is still the same but the Potion's recipes are different and The Great Forest is out of bounds, we aren't allowed in there, the Potters are overbearing, they expected me to believe they gave me up for my own safety, I know Dumbledore told them to give me up because I was 'Dark'.+

+That's not good+

+Worse is that they've cut certain classes that we would learn from first year, they don't have Duelling from first-year anymore, they don't have, stealth and tracking, and we won't even learn to collect our own ingredients, plus I've looked at the older years books but they don't have Spell-craft, Alchemy or even COMC, Comc's become a third-year elective.+


+I ask myself the same thing, I asked the Potters when I would meet my godfather and they said they don't contact him at all, it's maddening.+

+Who's the Headmaster of your time?+

+Someone named Albus Dumbledore+

+I don't even know who he is but it seems he has a lot of power for defeating a Dark Lord, it says his name was Gellert Grindelwald, he's imprisoned in Numenguard, Grindelwald's own prison for the people he captured.+

+Do you have any assignments you want me to complete?+

+Yes, Rowena wants you to craft a multilayered spell, Godric wants a twelve feet essay on how to care for a Hippogriff, Helga wants you to complete a star chart with all the rare constellations that you see with your telescope, Salazar wants you to have a master level theory on the uses of wolfsbane, and I would like you to work on your shapeshifting and animagus form.+

+okay, I'll send my results through the box.+

<Mini time skip>

Harry stood with the Potters at Kings Cross Station in London, he had completed all his work from the founders the night before and had sent his work to them, then he was told to run between the barrier of platforms 9 & 10. He instantly appeared on Platform 9 & 3/4.

He saw a scarlet steam train, which clearly supported Gryffindor, as he was the heir of Hogwarts, he asked Lady Hogwarts to evenly display all the houses on the train, to show that the school wasn't biased towards Gryffindor.

He then walked to a compartment and looked out the window, at 11:00am the train began to roll out towards Hogwarts. Sometime during the train ride, the boy he met at Madam Malkins joined him.

Before long, they had arrived at Hogsmead station...

That's the fourth chapter out, what house should Harry be in, let me know in the comments, till then I'll update my other books.
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A Journey Through Time {REWRITING}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें