Stuart gets Whitney

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Stuart was fuming that halfway took Whit side over his he was gunna get his revenge on them both of them. Whitney & Halfway was happy n getting along wiv there life whitney was still working at vic & mick was keeping a close eye on whit & Halfway he still had strong feelings for whit but he knew they both moved on & could never happen now. It was great having whit still working st vic Cos even tho they can't b together she's still very much around his life & that was better than nothing st all. Whit was out the back in cellar & Halfway was upstairs helping mick with something. Whit was stood counting the stock when suddenly someone slowly walked up behind her put there hand over her month & pulled her outside & into the ally he told her keep quite or she'd be sorry, once outside Stuart opened his car door & told her get inside or she'll be sorry. Mean while upstairs in vic mick & Halfway was in living room & Halfway was standing by window & next he heard a scream & he looked down seen Whitney screaming.
Halfway: WHITNEY!
Mick looked up in shocked & jumped up & ran over to the window looked down & froze there was Stuart putting Whitney in boot of his car while she was screaming. Mick without saying a word ran as fast as he could downstairs & out into the square followed by halfway but by time mick got outside Stuart was driving away & mick stood there screaming NO NO NO!!! WHITNEY!!!. Halfway just stood there not knowing what to do or say mick turned & told Halfway he was going after Stuart & go back inside & wait for him with that mick got in his car & raced after Stuart... would he stop him in time & would he save Whitney?

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