Whitney in trouble

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Doctor: Is Whitney family & bf on there way?
Mick: why!? What's wrong, she okay?
Doctor: I'm really sorry but it's not looking good.
Jack: I'm trying get hold her step mother but she's not answering, I'll ring tiff tell her come straight away & call Ryan.
Mick: can I see her pls?
Doctor: family members n partner only first I'm sorry
Mick: I'm family! I'm her...Part...
Just then halfway walked in & the doctor looked at him.
Halfway: how's whit? Can I see her pls?
Halfway: I'm her bf I have every right
Doctor: yes of cause follow me
Jack held him back & mick told him get off him but jack wouldn't let him go.
Jack: it's his gf mick he has ever right. Come on mate sit down.
Mick: jack pls I'm beggin just let me go.
Jack: not untill you calm down
Mick calmed down & jack told him they'd walk down towards whit room & wait outside for Halfway come out. Mick & jack walked down to whit room & mick walked up to window & seen whit through the glass & suddenly he remember last time they was here together after bus crash & she kissed him. He knew back then he had feelings for her but now it was more than that now he was looking at woman he's in love with & he could bout lose her forever. Watching halfway through the glass holding her hand talking to her wishing that was him.
Jack told mick come away from window & sit down but mick didn't move instead he just carried on watching her from window. Suddenly Tiffany came bursting through the doors demanding see Whitney.
Jack jumped up & stopped her running towards her door.
Jack: tiff halfway is with her at moment, come sit down wait till he comes out yeah.
Tiff: what's he doing in there with her!? He has no right! I'm her sister, he's nothing!
Jack: he's her bf tiff
Tiff: some bf he turned out be, he didn't belive or trust her did he.
Just then tiff looked up & seen mick & she noticed he had tearing coming down his cheeks she got up & went over to mick & stood next him looking through the glass.
Tiff: Don't worry mick, I know my sister she'll be okay wait & see.
Mick put his arm around tiff shoulder & pulled her in close.
Mick: she's a FIGHTER!
Just then halfway walked out with doctor & he told tiff she can go in & see her if she likes.
Tiff: is that okay?
Doc: yes, I can go in & day goodbye.
Tiff: I ain't saying goodbye she's gunna be fine your see! Right mick?
Mick: yes babe
Tiff walked into whit room & sat down beside her she held her hand & started speaking to her bout anything & everything. Then she started talking bout mick & how he hasn't left her side since it happened & how they wouldn't let him in see her as he wasn't family. Suddenly whit Alarms started going off & doctors started rushing in & one nurses had pulled tiff out of her room & mick raced over to her & took her in her arms as they both sobbed.

Have they lost Whitney forever?

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