Chapter 4 ~ Resist

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Chapter 4: Resist

Una and Atanas sat across from each other at a mahogany desk with more drawers than I thought was necessary. I got the short end of the straw and was stuck leaning against a wall, looking completely uninterested when I was dying of curiosity inside.

"You've been freed by the council?" Una asked, hope clear in her expression.

I snorted and she glared at me, her voice stern, "You're lucky I let you in my bar, nevermind my office, all the trouble you cause. Stand quietly or I'll have your new master leash you outside."

Inside, I was a rolling mess of anger and want for retaliation but I kept my expression neutral, the corner of my lip twitching into a smirk that I knew would annoy her.

"Be nice to my pet, she's still learning." Atanas teased, giving Una another flirtatious smile that I could tell had her melting a little.

His comment was strike two of the evening. One more strike and he'd be out. I'd figure out a way to have my revenge.

"So? The council, they let you out?" Una repeated, giving her full attention to Atanas.

He looked uncomfortable, which was unusual considering all I'd seen from him was a cold exterior.

"I escaped." He answered, leaning against the table, keeping Una enraptured in his gaze.

I rolled my eyes. Una may seem to have a soft spot for him, but I knew she was smarter than to let her judgement be clouded by charm. All she had to do was lift a perfectly arched brow to show her disbelief.

"How did you manage that? Those caves and tombs are surrounded by magic, magic my people helped create. There's no way you got out on your own. Atanas, you already have enemies everywhere, now the council will be after you again. It's been one hundred years, loyalties have shifted, it won't be so easy to keep you hidden." Una informed him in a hasty whisper, her eyes darting around as if she was worried someone else was listening in.

If one of the most powerful witches I knew was scared, it meant Atanas may be more important than I thought. It also confirmed earlier suspicions, he must have done something bad if the council turned on him. I studied them both, trying to use the information I had to paint some picture of what happened that ended with Atanas being imprisoned.

Atanas sighed, looking weary, "I am aware. But these times are different, the younger generation will be easily swayed my way. There must still be people around who remember and believe in our cause."

That peeked my interest a little more, this was beginning to sound like a rebellion.

"You know I still believe in the cause." She said, "It's going to be harder this time, and we failed the last time. You're going to have to fly under the radar until we can revive old links."

Atanas grinned, his eyes lighting up.

"I knew you were still loyal. Thank you, Una." He said sincerely.

Una waved her hand, blushing before her eyes landed on me again.

"You need to start by getting rid of your shadow. The council watch her like hawks, she's one of the territory leaders...when she bothers to do her job." She accused, standing as if ready to pounce.

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