Chapter 23 ~ Chance

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Chapter 23: Chance

All my choices narrowed down to one simple question as I stared at the vial of blood that lay mere inches away from my fingers. Was I strong enough to stay in control? 

I'd need the strength that Ailill blood could give me if I was to get Anna and I out while Atanas attacked the mansion. I knew we couldn't stay here while it all went down, we'd be trapped, Airell would send someone to get us, or worse, kill us. 

"You don't have to take it. We can wait it out, they'll be looking for us when they manage to get in, they'll come for us first," Anna said, relief in her voice. 

"We can't. We aren't safe here. Airell knows they're coming, he'll have all of his vampires close. They'll have to fight through an army to get to the basement and I don't doubt there will be Fallen here waiting when they do. Getting out of the basement is up to us," I argued, clasping the vial tightly in my hand, "But I don't know if even this will give me the strength I need." 

"Then we need to release the power in you. You need to ascend, to become your true self. Show them all what being a descendant of Leyla really means," she urged confidently. 

"How?" I sighed, twisting the vial between my fingers, unable to tear my gaze from it. 

"That blood, it strengthens your inner instincts, perhaps that's the key to releasing the power. Atanas said he caught a glimpse of it when you were sparring, that instincts kicked in and took over," she explained, "Perhaps I can use magic to unlock whatevers keeping it hidden." 

I shook my head, "What he told you about was me losing to the dark parts of myself. It's what happens to vampires, how they become Fallen.

"No, Shylah. Atanas knows what he saw. At least try it, what's the harm?" 

"We don't know when the others are coming. I could take it now and it might wear off by the time they attack. Timing is key, but we can't time it because we're in the dark," I fretted, running a hand through my grime streaked hair. 

Anna hummed, "That vampire said to be ready, maybe there'll be some sort of signal?" 

"We're in the basement, what kind of signal could they possibly give us that we'd see?" I argued, growing ever more frustrated. 

My body was crying out to take the blood, craving the sweet release it would give me from the world. Without really meaning to, I popped the cork out the top but when I leaned down to inhale the heady scent, my eyes flew open. My lips quirked into a smile and then a full out grin before I started laughing. 

"What is it, what's funny?" Anna asked, her tone rising in pitch. 

"It's not Ailill blood," I breathed out, shaking my head and looking up to thank whatever Gods were listening, "It's Atanas'"

"How?" Anna murmured in awe. 

Somehow Atanas and the vampire that seemed to be an ally had been in contact. That gave me hope. There were those here loyal to my mate, I only hoped there were enough to turn the tides of war. 

An explosive bang and the sudden shouts of many voices and I was sure that was the best signal we were going to get. We needed to move fast. If Atanas and his men had managed to get inside as I suspected, Airell would be on his way to make sure Anna and I went with him to wherever he would run to next. 

"Quickly," Anna hissed, tugging and yanking at her chains in desperation. 

I yanked the top back of the vial back off and downed the contents, nearly moaning as the sweet taste of Atanas' blood exploded onto my tongue. A rush of energy flooded through my veins and I couldn't hold back a groan as bones and flesh knitted back together. 

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