Chapter 12 ~ Inner Circle

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Chapter 12: Inner Circle

The black Porsche looked more like it had been abandoned in the drive rather than parked, it's front wheels resting in Padraig's neatly mown grass. I had the feeling he wouldn't be too happy when he found out.

Following Atanas into the house, I couldn't see who it was in the living room due to being stuck behind him. 

"Atanas!" A woman cried happily and I stepped back as she embraced him.

I had to swallow back a possessive growl that would have surprised me just as much as it would have everyone else. Atanas was free to hug whatever women he wanted.

"It's good to see you again, Zena." Atanas greeted, slipping from her arms.

"I knew you'd find a way to come back to us." The woman said, a flash of hair all I could see of her.

"I couldn't leave you all without me for too much longer." Atanas teased.

Now that I seemed to have been forgotten about, I slunk into the corner of the room, resting against the wall. Folding my arms over my chest, I took my time to study the two new arrivals. The woman, Zena, was truly beautiful. Her skin was the colour of melted chocolate and her hair was a glossy midnight black. She seemed completely focussed on Atanas, her hand on his cheek.

"You smell different." She suddenly announced, her eyes narrowing as she inhaled deeply.

He chuckled, taking another careful step away from her, "Astute as always."

She hummed and suddenly her brown eyes were on me and widened before darting back to Atanas.

"You've taken a mate? I never thought I'd see the day! Why have you not introduced us?" She asked, seemingly aghast.

I stayed glued to the wall, watching her warily. The man who had stayed far too quiet took Zena into his arms.

"You haven't given him the chance to say much, my love." He stated in amusement.

Atanas moved towards me, taking my hand and pulling me a little too firmly into his side. So much for sticking to the shadows. Perhaps he trusted these two.

"This is Shylah." Atanas introduced me, "Shylah, this is Zena and Lachlan, very old friends and part of my inner circle."

I did my best to give them a confident smile, even as my every instinct told me to have something behind me to keep my back safe. Atanas shifted me so I was in front of him and I wondered if he'd somehow read my mind. His hand was strong on my shoulder, keeping me in place.

Zena's eyes were suddenly narrowed on me and my body tensed.

"Una mentioned that you'd taken a pet of the council...I didn't realise she meant you'd taken her as your mate."

The disgust in her tone shook me and I was glad I had the trust of Padraig who was suddenly on his feet and moving to stand close. There was now a wall of muscle surrounding me.

"She's Atanas' mate, Zena. She's proven herself, we trust her, and I happen to find her quite amusing. No harm is to come to her."

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