Chapter 6 ~ The Vampire Strikes Back

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Chapter 6: The Vampire Strikes Back

Atanas smirked as he stood behind my chair, his hands on my shoulder. I wasn't sure if it was to stop me from bolting or to try and get me to relax, or maybe he was staking a claim in front of Mirdull so he knew I was under Atanas' control.

Every muscle in my body was tense and waiting for Mirdull's reaction. I'd learned after many years that when Mirdull flew off the handle, I got hurt.

Atanas wouldn't let him hurt me, something told me that was a surety. A small chuckle left me, because the only person allowed to hurt me anymore was the very man that had protected me from others, and that still wasn't right.

Mirdull stared at Atanas like he couldn't quite trust his own eyes. He looked at me then back at the godly man who stood behind me. Smugness rolled of Atanas in waves, his hands tightening on my shoulder.

"You traitor." Mirdull hissed at me, standing and leaning over the table.

Atanas somehow picked me up from the chair, moved me behind him and slammed Mirdull's body against the table all before I could blink. My defensive instincts hadn't even had the chance to kick in from Mirdull's threatening look before I was safely behind a wall of muscle.

"Be very careful with what you say to her, my patience is wearing very thin. Now Mirdull, I've heard a lot of conflicting evidence about you and now I'm not so sure I can trust you." He almost sang, releasing him.

Mirdull staggered back, rubbing the back of his neck where Atanas had kept his vice like grip. I knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that hold, but I didn't pity him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He choked, his eyes watching Atanas with fear.

It positively delighted me.

Maybe that made me sick and twisted, but it had always been my eyes that held that look. Mirdull had always been the one in control and seeing him so nervous brought a feeling of smug joy. Suddenly, he wasn't so threatening anymore.

Atanas sighed in fake weariness, "Where to begin? You were on our side during the rebellion, but then I hear that you are the one that gave me into the council...and that you cheated and killed your way to the rank you are now. Then I also find out you enjoyed torturing an innocent new born vampire for decades at the whim of her maker. One of the very things we stood against. Care to explain yourself? Even though I doubt any excuse you come up with will clear you of the charges I now bring against you."

Mirdull glared daggers at me and I flinched back on instinct. There was the Mirdull I knew and feared.

"You appear to be suffering from a loose tongue, Shylah. What stories have you been weaving?" He hissed, taking a step towards me.

Backing up quickly, curling my hands into claws as my fangs descended to protect myself, I hissed right back. Atanas moved again, blocking Mirdull from my sight.

"You so much as look at her in a way I don't like and I will end you right here and right now." He warned.

The threat shook even me, the venom behind it making me almost believe he cared. Almost.

"I know she's a pretty thing, Atanas, but make no mistake. She's spoiled goods, used, broken. She's the puppet of the council, and she doesn't even know it." Mirdull chuckled, "She is what you and Una fight so passionately against."

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