Ch.6 ~ What A Headache

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Matteo smirked at me. "You alright Princess?"

I blinked a couple of times before pulling myself away from him, stuttering slightly. "U-um, yeah, sorry, I just- wait, why am I saying sorry to you?! Leave me the hell alone y-you creep!" Heat rushed to my face as I quickly escaped to the check out area, my soup in hand. But, to my disappointment, he was trailing behind me. Stop lying to yourself girl. You know you want his di-

"Will that be all Ma'am?" I nodded and pulled out my cards. The puppies were probably freaking out by now. I had been gone for what felt like hours. Paying as quick as I could, I left through the automatic doors and glanced behind me. Matteo raised his eyebrows. "Where to next?" I gave him a dry look.

"Your going to your place, and I'm going to mine. Goodbye." But as I tried to close the door to my truck, his large hand gripped the window. I sighed and blew a strand of hair from my face. "What."

Matt's eyes brightened. "Can I see your puppies?" He bounced on his feet excitedly, smiling at me. "I wasn't able to see them before I, you know, vanished."

For some reason, I agreed.


Awhile later, Matteo was drumming his fingers against his jeans, humming softly as he looked around. Finally we pulled up to my apartment. My hand reached down to push open the car door, but he had already beat me too it. "My lady." With a smirk, Matt bent down and swung is arm out dramatically. I rolled my eyes and hopped out.

I flicked a piece of hair out of my face with huff before unlocking the front door. The puppies had been there waiting, whimpering and barking at me. It brought a smile to my face.

"Hey babies! Did you miss me?"

Stryker and Harley began to try and jump on me, while Ace sat behind and wagged his fluffy tail. I bent down to pet them all, soon realizing another hand had joined mine when Stryker began growling and snapping at him, Harley and Ace quick to back him up. I snickered and backed up, watching the scene. Matteo was just staring down at them in awe, even as they were trying to rip his fingers off.

I let out a short whistle, drawing their attention to me. Patting my thighs, they scampered over behind me, watching Matteo in curiousity.

"They're so cute..." Matt squatted down and reached his hand out the proper way instead of just immediately petting them. Ace leaned over and sniffed his hand, wagging his tail. That was a good sign. Soon after the puppies were all over him. It was kinda...cute.

Ew, no.

As Matt lay their surrounded by the large puppies, I walked into the cramped kitchen and put up the soup. The girl inside my head began to point out all the bad things that could happen right now. 

First, we know he's not human, that's obvious. Second, I don't like the way the puppies love him already. Third, if he stays here any longer we might combust.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Matteo. He was now on the couch with Harley in his lap. His eyes were droopy and there was a smile on his face. Before I could stop myself, I smiled as well and began walking over to them. Taking Harley from his lap, I gathered the others and placed them in their little pen.

Matteo sat up and yawned quietly. With my back to him, I said something I would probably regret. "You could- You can stay if you want." I stood still and waited for his response.

"Aw, a sudden burst of empathy princess?"

I blushed darkly and spun around. "Forget it then! Get out!" Matteo started to laugh, which made me even more mad. I stormed over and glared darkly at him.

"Alright, alright. Sheathe your claws kitten. I'll stay for a bit." Matteo grinned and wrapped his arms around me in an awkward hug.

"Hey!" Squirming wildly, I pressed back on his arms and pushed at his chest. With an evil laugh, he moved his arms out of the way. A gasp left my lips as I began fall, my arms flailing. But before I could fall, Matt's arms wrapped around me once more.

Without thinking I gripped his shoulders and looked up at him. His grin widened and he leaned down, our faces only inches apart. Where have I seen this before? Sudden flashes of Alex crossed my mind, causing me to turn away.

"You can sleep on the couch, or... Or you could go home." My feet quickly carried me up the stairs and into my room. "The blankets are in the cupboard. Goodnight."

Matteo was silent.

"It's not even nine yet!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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