It's Complicated

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"What the hell are you doing?" He raised his voice loud enough that a guard looked their way.

"Don't swear at me."

"Are you kidding?"

"I'm sorry I even told you."

Tito leaned back in his chair. "You're shacking up with the guy who prosecuted me."

"It isn't like that, Tito."

"Well, why don't you tell me what it is like, then, little sister?"

"By four minutes," she said, and he shrugged.

"Little sister," he said again, and she had to smile.

"I'm not sleeping with him," she said, but felt guilty as she said it. Sure, technically, she wasn't sleeping with him, but...

"Maybe not yet. But you're falling for him. I can tell."

Tito always had been able to read her mind, finish her sentences. It was pretty much the only thing that hadn't changed. Heaven knows she didn't want to be falling for Ritchie.

He shook his head. "What I don't get is how you got mixed up with that guy in the first place."

"I told you. I met him at Saint Theresa's. He volunteers there."

"What's some fancy lawyer doing passing out food to homeless people?"

"He's...different than you'd think. Joey got in trouble, and I needed help. By the time I found out he was the same guy who prosecuted you, he was already doing so much for Joey. Tito, he was a tough prosecutor but he has a good heart."

Tito laughed. "Yeah, right. My lawyer told me he wouldn't even discuss a plea deal. Wouldn't even discuss it. You be careful. He's playing the big hero now, but he's one cold bastard, and he'll turn on you just like that."

"He's changed. He even told me he'd do things differently now."

"People don't change."

She looked at him. "I hope that's not true."

"This guy's just telling you what you want to hear. I don't like you and Joey living in his house. I don't like you owing him anything."

"You act like I had a choice."

"Didn't you?"

"They would have taken Joey away from me," she said quietly. "Put him in a juvenile detention center. Maybe foster care. I couldn't let that happen."

"Damn. It's my fault. Maria –"

"He just got into the wrong crowd, Tito."

"And Assistant State Attorney Ritchie Perez is the guy to pull him out of that crowd, I suppose."

"Yes, he is." She leaned forward. "Besides, like I told you, Ritchie isn't with the State Attorney's office anymore. He has a private law firm, with his two partners, doing injury cases, and class action lawsuits. He doesn't prosecute people now – he helps people who've been hurt.

"Tito, Joey's playing sports now. He's in a really good school, a private school, away from all those bad influences – "

"How exactly are you paying for all that, Maria?"

"Ritchie's paying for it."

"Why?" He leaned closer. "Because that's what I don't get. He sure as hell isn't doing it to apologize for putting me in here." He drummed his fingers on the tabletop. "So, what's in it for Perez?"

"Well, he wants to help Joey."

"Nobody does anything for free, Maria. If there's one thing I've learned in here, it's that." He narrowed his eyes speculatively. "So don't tell me this guy doesn't expect something from you."

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