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Practice Makes Perfect!

Percy Jackson

"You ready?" my buddy, Jason, asked me, running a hand through his blond hair.

"Yeah." I slammed my locker door with maybe too much of enthusiasm. "I'm so ready."

"Great," Jason said, giving me a grin as he walked past me. "Let's go."

We walked to the basketball court, situated inside the gym which was filled with yells and shouts of Gimme the basketball!' and 'I bet you can't do this!' along with the thuds of basketballs hitting the floor and bouncing back.

"Okay, cupcakes!" Coach Hedge's voice echoed through the walls, but seriously, he didn't even need a microphone or anything of that sort, his voice was naturally loud itself. "Are you ready for the big finals?"

"Yeah!" everyone shouted with fervor, as if they were expecting a cupcake break.

"Great! Everyone, get back to practice and Jackson, come see me." Coach Hedge gave a triumphant smile as the boys groaned and headed back to dribbling their basketballs. Jason patted me on the back, muttering a faint "good luck!" and ran off to Frank Zhang and Charles Beckendorf.

I walked over to Coach, awaiting my fate. This could either go well...or horribly wrong. Coach Hedge glowered over me...well, actually under me, because he's barely 5 foot tall. "So, Jackson, you know who we're going against, right?"

"If you would be so kind enough to tell me," I replied because I was totally unaware of who we were going to be playing against.

"Gods, Jackson!" Coach Hedge groaned. "We are playing against the Stanford Snipers," he answered, giving me an exasperated sigh and a look which meant what am I going to do with this boy?

I, the captain of the Goode High Gorgons, said something really intelligent like, "Uh...who are they?"

Coach Hedge smacked his forehead. "Seriously, Jackson? The Stanford Snipers are an all-girls team-!" He began before I cut him off.

"An all-girls team?" I repeated, a faint smile growing on my face.

"Yes, Jackson! Do you have a hearing problem?" Coach Hedge frowned, snapping at me as I winced. Expected. When you face Coach Hedge, you have to be somewhat immune to his loud voice so it's a surprise that we, and by we I mean our team, still have our hearing intact. But I felt my confidence rise up once more.

"Don't worry, Coach. It's an all-girls team! This match is gonna be too easy!" I replied proudly, placing my hands on my hips, trying to give off the superhero vibes.

"Of course! Never thought about that! Obvious beating an all-girls that defeated tons of other all-boys team would be too easy!" Coach Hedge exclaimed, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Okay, I see your point, Coach," I muttered, with a slight nod.

"Whatever," Coach Hedge huffed. "The captain of their team is Annabeth Chase. Just keep in mind that we have to beat them. But at the same time, don't take them lightly," he continued.

"We got this in the bag!" I said, with a smirk as I pumped my fist in the air.

"You better, Jackson," Coach warned me.


Jason stared of dreamily with a sappy smile on his face.

"Jason...?" I said, looking over at him. "Jason!" I exclaimed, punching him lightly.

"Piper..." Jason said, fondly, a dreamy and sappy look on his face.

Ohhhhh, I see where this is going...
I smirked as I punched him again, but this time harder so that I would get his attention.

"Ow!" Jason glared at me. "What was that for?!" He yelled, furrowing his eyebrows and giving me a glare as he rubbed his arm.

"You were just standing there, staring off into space, like you were in Lalaland...or should I say Piperland?" I said, smirking.

"W-what are y-you talking ab-about?" Jason said, stammering and blushing the shade of tomatoes as he rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.

"Face it." I grinned evilly and confronted him. "You have a crush on Piper McLean," I said, letting out a laugh at the end.

"What?" He said, though it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Seriously, Jason?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips, questioning him, my eyebrows raised with a you expect me to believe that? look.

Jason folded his arms. "You're fooling nobody!" That didn't seem convincing, even to him and he probably was aware of that fact.

"Says the boy who tried to eat a stapler," I teased him.

"I was TWO!!!" Jason whined.

"Whatever, Blond Superman," I said, smirking, knowing I'd won this battle. I turned and faced Frank and Beckendorf, who were laughing their butts off. "C'mon, guys, let's practice."

"Whatever," I heard Jason grumble and I stifled a laugh.


Hey there! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Slam Dunk!
Anyways, new chapters will most probably be coming out tomorrow because I have my last exam (maths...) and once I finish that, you guys will be able to read a lot more.

Anyways, I'm giving y'all some virtual cookies so hear ya go! (::) (::)
They ARE Percy's favorite blue chocolate chip cookies which I stole from Sally!

(Sorry, Sally! But we're best buds right? No? Okay...)

Sally broke my heart. :'(

Signing out, its ya girl,
Scarlet Rose.

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