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And the following chapters will include much more Percabeth...

Operation: PERCABETH!

Rachel Elizabeth Dare

"Latest news now! A young boy has been found dead on the road to New York from California. He has blond hair and he seems to be around 16 years old. We suspect this accident happened due to a car he was riding quite rashly, ignoring rules. And-oh! More news! We've found out this boy's name is Octavian Julius Augustus and he belongs to a high school in California. He rammed into a light post while driving and since he was driving in a very high speed, he couldn't stop the car before it smashed."

Oh. My. Lords.

Are you serious?! Octavian...died?!?
What the-? I turned up and looked at Annabeth.

Her stormy grey eyes were wide open and her lips pressed together.

"I..I can't believe it," I said, my hands trembling. "He...died? I..!"

"I know," Annabeth said, nodding. "It's astonishing...just...just today, he threatened you..he texted you and suddenly..he's dead!"

I closed my eyes as I felt sadness and relief wash over me at the same time.
On one hand, a person who I used to be really close with...died. On the other hand, I won't be threatened anymore. I won't have to think about what would happen in fear.

"Oh. My. Frick."


"So...how do you feel?" Thalia asked, sitting down next to me. Everyone knew about the death by now and it was pretty much the talk.

I blinked my eyes and looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Like," Thalia began, waving her hands rapidly. "This dude who tormented you with messages fricking died...how are you coping up with that?"

"I...I think I'm okay. I can get over it. I started to hate him anyways. The shock will still be there except...it won't affect me too much," I smiled.

"Cool. And, what are we going to be doing about...um, ya know, them?" Thalia asked.

"And what is 'them', may I ask?"

"Ya know...Percabeth. How are we gonna set them up?" She asked me, scratching the back of her neck.

"Wow...you seem so concerned about them!" I said, smirking.

Thalia went slightly red. "It's just annoying, they obviously love each other but they can't realize it and it's just so goddamn annoying!" She exclaimed, evidently frustrated.

I sighed and nodded. Then I grinned. "Don't worry, just leave this to me."

The next I saw them was when they were leaning against a locker and talking about something.

"Hem hem," I said, clearing my throat, knowing that I was doing an Umbridge over there. "Whatcha doing?" I asked, them, pretending to be all innocent.

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