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Meeting Annabeth

Percy Jackson

I'll admit. When Coach Hedge said, "Annabeth and Stanford Snipers," I didnt expect for them to play so well

You know what? Let's rewind to the start of the final match...

Frank was a bit shy, as if he were afraid to fail. Hazel, his not-so-secret crush, went around trying to cheer him up. Leo, or as he called himself 'Leo McShizzle da Bad Boi Supreme', was pumping up and down like a five-year old who had too much candy and was on a sugar rush. He always acted like he was one of the basketball players when he could barely make one basket. But Leo was a whiz at mechanics, which was something most of us were not. qJason was confident. He was talking to Piper and was blushing crimson.

That lover boy.

Beckendorf was talking with his girlfriend, Silena Beauregard. Silena stood on her tiptoes and kissed Beckendorf on the cheek. He blushed at the show of affection.

I wasn't exactly a 'fangirl' but this even made me do those, "Awws!"

"Hey, Perce!" a familiar voice said from my side.

I turned to see Rachel Elizabeth Dare, with her red frizzy hair, wearing her usual t-shirt with an array of paint splatters and her jeans which she would doodle all over. I had to grudgingly admit that the sight of her might have made my heart pick its pace up just a tad bit, even though I wasn't sure why it would do that.

"Hey Rachel!" I grinned, waving at her.

"I wanted to give you this," she said, walking forwards to me, holding out some sort of bracelet.

"Uh, I don't wear bracelets..." I stupidly said.

"No you silly!" Rachel said, laughing which was a pleasant sound. "It's my lucky charm! I always wear this during my painting competitions and I think it brings me good luck. So I wanted to give it to you for the final tournament."

"Thanks! That's awesome," I said.

"I know," Rachel beamed.

She leant forward to tie the charm on my hand and I couldn't help but blush. Her emerald eyes on my hand, her lips pursed and her untamable hair, like mine. She tied it and looked at me. She gazed into my sea green eyes for sometime and I could see her beautiful emerald green eyes up close. All of a sudden, Rachel leaned forward and kissed my cheek. Her face started turning tomatoes, mine probably mirroring hers. "That was for good luck."

Before I could respond, she started running away, yelling, "I'll try to be there for the match! But I think I won't be able to because I have work in the art room!"

I stood there stunned. Like one of Apollo's sacred cows: (The only subject I'm interested in: Greek Mythology) slow, dumb, and really, really bright red.

"Hey there, Cupid!" Jason slightly punched me on the shoulder. "Ready to go?"

"Uh, um, yeah..." I replied. "D-did you see all of that?" I questioned him.

"Yep!" he said, smirking, and I immediately knew that this matter would not go shushed and hushed.

"Anyone else?" I asked, cautiously, hoping a blabbermouth like Leo wouldn't have eavesdropped on what meant to be an obviously private conversation. If that had happened, well I might just dig a hole, crawl into it, and die now than later from extreme teasing, embarrassment and blushing.

"Nah, you're lucky only I saw it. But that doesn't mean I won't spill it to the whole group!" Jason said, smiling mischievously.

"Jason!" I whined.

"Come on, it's showtime!"


We were sitting there for ten minutes or so, doing warm-ups and waiting for the Stanford Snipers to show up.

Then, a couple of girls wearing grey shirts and red shorts came in.
Our uniforms, in my opinion, were SO MUCH MORE BETTER!

But, now wasn't really the time to fight over what uniforms a team was wearing. It was time for us to beat them!

Then, a girl with curly blond hair and grey eyes walked in. She had princess curls, lean and muscular body, her eyes were calculating as if she would pulverize any threat that came forward. With a start, I realized this was the captain of the Stanford Snipers. But she was quite pretty to be a basketball player. She looked like a cheerleader!

I walked up to her. "Hey, I'm Percy J-" I began, for a friendly greeting.

The girl suddenly grabbed my wrist and flipped me over her shoulder. I slammed down on the floor.

"What the-?" I said, in a daze.

The girl's ears turned pink. "Oh, sorry! I thought you were attacking me or something. But I'm Annabeth Chase, captain of the Stanford Snipers. And you are?" She held her hand out, a sheepish smile on her face, her eyes refusing to meet mine.

"Percy Jackson, captain of the Goode High Gorgons. N-nice to meet you." I took her hand, slowly getting up and flashing a charming smile at her, one that other girls would die to see.

Annabeth, however, didn't seem so impressed. She stared at me for a bit as she pulled her hand away from mine. Then she raised an eyebrow at me, before walking away.


Aw! I would call that a GREAT first meeting: getting judo-flipped. And Percabeth fans, don't get mad at me! I'm a hardcore Percabeth shipper too! But I like it when they get together after QUITE a bit of drama. So there IS gonna be Perachel and Lukabeth. And don't hate on Rachel, she's an awesome gal, Luke's pretty cool too. Why do you always make him evil and bad? He was a HERO in the end!

*sigh* Anyways, yup, been a LOONNGGGGG time since I updated this book but finally did it! Gonna treat myself to some garlic bread and read some fanfics.

Signing out, its ya girl,
Scarlet Rose

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