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Okay, so before the fourth chapter of Slam Dunk starts, I wanna thank all of you for such awesome responses to my story! 120+ views and 8 votes just for three chapters?! Honestly, I don't consider myself an amazing, awesome writer or anything like that! I just write because I like to...write! So, when I get compliments when I write something, it just makes me feel all cozy and warm and fuzzy and happy on the inside! Thank you, Mysticorns, for the wonderful positive responses!

And now, once the sentiment-y stuff's over, on with chapter four!

The Catch on the Match

Percy Jackson •

"FRANK! PASS THE BALL TO JASON!" I yelled, looking at poor Frank, who was holding the basketball, stuck in between two girls who were blocking his way.

I glanced around, scanning the auditorium. Half of the auditorium was filled with banners for and cheers for the Goode Gorgons, while the other half was devoted to the Stanford Snipers. I groaned in frustration. If only Coach Hedge was here to yell out ways to support our team, but no! We only got dumb old Mrs. Dodds.

I hated to admit it but our team was useless without Coach Hedge to guide us, even if he kept yelling, "WINNNNNN, YOUUUU IDIOTIC LITTLE-"

We had no coach! At least the Stanford Snipers had a coach to guide them, but us? Yeah, like Mrs. Dodds knows anything about basketball.

I placed my hands on my hips, looking around desperately.

Oh god(s)...why does this always happen to me?
I set my eyes back on the match happening before me, pushing my woes away.

A girl with auburn hair that dropped till her shoulder had the ball. She made her way around my fellow teammates, dribbling like hell. Jason tried to stop her and she made an action like she was throwing the ball to the right but threw it to the left at another girl who had black hair in a ponytail. The black-haired girl took the ball easily and started dribbling, weaving through all the boys. I glanced at Annabeth and she had a proud look on her face.

I narrowed my eyebrows as I kept my eyes on the basketball. "I have got to stop this," I muttered softly.

I got into the auditorium and immediately cheers erupted from the Goode students' sides, like they were sure I will win the match for them.

Course I will.

The black-haired girl raised an eyebrow at me as if asking, Is this guy some big-shot?

I smirked as if answering, Yeah. I am.

I grabbed the ball from the offense. Running through all the girls wearing their uniforms, I threw the ball high into the air and it fell into the basket, earning the Goode Gorgons another point. I pumped my fist in the air as my comrades surrounded me, yelling in victory.

"We made a step closer to winning the championship, but we haven't won yet," I warned. "We need to maintain this score till the end."


5 minutes left for the match to end.

I tried to make as many baskets as possible, but every attempt seemed to fail. The Stanford Snipers were getting stronger against us. They effortlessly made a basket and every time that they threw the ball into the hoop, I felt a sting. I hated to admit but dam were they good!

I SHOULD NOT lose this match! The entire school was counting on me and I felt like holding up the sky. (*wink wink*)

VISITORS: 14 baskets
HOME: 10 baskets

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