Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 – Wesley

I ran away from Nick and into the woods because I knew if I stayed just a second longer I would have never left. This was, by far, the most difficult time I’ve left him. I could feel my heart straining against my chest searching for some type of relief from the pain I was putting it through but I knew it wouldn’t find any.

I got to the little stream and washed myself as best I could. Whenever I did this my wolf would whine that I was betraying our mate. A wolf wore their mate’s scent as a sense of pride and warning to everyone else that they were taken. My washing off his scent I was telling the pack that I was up for the taking. My wolf hated it, I hated it and I’m sure Nick would hate it if I explained that part of werewolf culture to him.

I took my time walking home. I couldn’t shake this feeling like something was off. My wolf was on edge and I was alert. There was a strange scent in the air that made all the hairs on my body stand up straight. I took off into a run towards my pack. I was one of the hunters, a protector that the pack relied on. If something happened to them and I wasn’t there I would never forgive myself, and neither would the pack.

When I started to get close to the middle of our lands I realized everyone was gathering in front of the Alpha’s house. He must have an announcement for everyone but that still didn’t explain the foreign scents.

“Where the hell have you been!?” I heard someone shout from the trees and I turned around just in time for Stacy to punch me in the arm.

“Ouch, was that necessary?” I complained, she was a hunter, she could do some serious damage and that hurt like a bitch.

“Yes it most definitely was, Alpha was looking for you all day and Colin and I tried to cover for you but you were gone too long,” she growled at me and I started to freak out. It was a pack rule that wolves under the age of 18 weren’t allowed out overnight without an adult wolf, and even then they had to get it cleared by the Alpha himself. If he found out I hadn’t been home I don’t know what he would do to me.

“Shit,” I tried to calm down but it wasn’t working. “How long has he been looking for me, does he know I broke the rules,” I asked her in a hushed voice. Wolf hearing was really good and I couldn’t risk anyone overhearing, Stacy was the only one who knew about Nick.

“I don’t think so, it was only this morning we got wind of his guards looking for you. Either way you're screwed though, he pushed the announcement back three times looking for you, eventually he gave up,” she said I knew my life was over. Why would the Alpha push back an important pack announcement for me? I was so dead. “Come on, we only have a minute to get to the Alpha’s house,” she said looking defeated as we walked towards where the huge group of people had gathered.

We stayed on the edge of the gathering and watched. After a minute the Alpha, his son Eric and three big wolves who’s scent and face I didn’t know walked out onto the small stage that had been set up. Now I knew where those foreign scents had come from. By the looks of the massive guy in the middle he was the Alpha. He stood even taller than our Alpha, but they must be friends if he came into our territory with only two wolves to protect him.

When they settled in their spots on stage the Alpha spotted me in the crowd and gave me the most intense stare I had ever seen from him. He was not happy. My wolf whimpered and I bowed my head in respect and a silent apology. I was so dead.

“Good afternoon everyone, I am sorry for the delay but some details had to be worked out, thank you for coming today,” the Alpha said stepping out in front of everyone and addressing the pack. “As you may know, over the mountains to the north is another pack, the Kuro pack,” he said and I heard a few people giving sounds of disapproval. “Enough! We are not here to judge, this,” he said pointing towards the bigger man to the left of him “is the Alpha of the Kuro pack, Stone,” He said and now the crowd turned to sounds of shock and disgust.

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