Chapter 12

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A/N: There's a map...look! Hope it helps clear things up a bit =) 

Chapter 12 – Wesley

It had only been two days and I was already planning on breaking the rules. I didn’t know what was in store for me but I couldn’t dwell on it just yet.

It seemed like the situation here was more complicated than we thought. The rouges didn’t seem that big in number, and the Kuro pack did have a few good hunters and warriors, but the rouges seemed to be outsmarting them. They knew the area just as well as the kuro pack did and unfortunately for us, better than the Sol pack members did. We hadn’t had to fight anyone yet but it seemed like they planned those attacks too. Usually rogue attacks were random and they threw their entire force at the forefront and tried to barge in. With a little planning we could easily taken down an attack like that. But after Eric had talked with the Kuro pack’s Alpha he said these guys were organized, he guessed someone was leading them.

They knew when to attack and they knew when the pack would be at its most venerable. For this reason the Alpha thought someone from the inside must be feeding them information. That’s half the reason he took a major blow to his ego and came crawling to us for help. He could no longer trust the wolves in his own pack. Treason was very rare in a wolf pack, usually the feeling of loyalty to our packs was rooted deep within our wolves and our own soul, but it wasn’t unheard of for a wolf to stray when it felt personally betrayed or helpless. The Kuro pack had been through a lot and the Alpha decided too many wolves had lost mates or ranks because of the battle with our pack a few years ago, he couldn’t be sure who the inside man was.

“Sarah, Triston, Alex and Wesley, get ready we are in the hunting party this morning,” Eric said from the entrance to our little room. We all nodded and he disappeared, probably to assess the group we were about to join. This was the first time I would be hunting with this pack but I guessed it wouldn’t be too difficult. We basically had a hunting party with just the five of us. Eric was the leader, Sarah was the speed, Triston and Alex could easily move the herd together and I could take them down. Granted with only five people it would take a long time to kill enough to feed an entire pack.

We all gathered outside and I looked around at the Kuro pack wolves that we would be helping. There were about 8 of them, one of the big guys that had come to Sol to escort us back and a few others I didn’t recognize. One thing I didn’t notice was that all of them were men. I was used to hunting groups made up of men and women, but it looked liked Sarah was the only female in this group. I tried not to think anything of it but this was a traditional pack, I didn’t know their rules when it came to women. I knew they must be far more barbaric in their ways than what the rest of us were used to but I had no idea what that meant. I made a mental note to keep an eye on her and the other girl that came with us just as Alpha Stone approached.

“Good morning everyone, today we have some new members that are going to help us bring in the game,” he said as he glanced around and the five of us. “The hunting may be a bit different from what you’re used to, there is far less herds up north, they don’t like the cold and it is starting to get even colder. We need to bring down as much as we can to get our pack through the winter, it’s going to be a long day,” his face was serious and I felt my stomach drop. My thoughts drifted to Nick and my plans for tonight, I feared crossing this man but I knew I had to see Nick, not just for me but for whatever information could help this whole situation. “I want to remind all of you to stay out of hunter territory and to keep an eye out for the rouges, we cannot afford any injuries or casualties right now, is that clear?” his voice boomed above all of us and we nodded.

We made our way through the woods. It took significantly longer to find anything worth hunting but when we did the game plan was mostly what I was used to. Sarah and some of the other runners could herd them our way and then I would try to pick them off one by one along with a few others. Eric was to stay ahead of the pack and keep them away from hunter territory and the mountains so we could track them and hunt them again.

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